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He had been left alone with his thoughts and his thoughts weren't very pleasant.

His thoughts were taking him back to his childhood, back to places he didn't want to go.

Age three:
Why didn't his mother love him? Why didn't his father love him? Was he truly a failure? He was trying to be the perfect prince for them and a perfect brother for Amber.

Age four:
"Boy, you are going away for a while and you will make friends with Prince Jacob," Hudson hissed, watching his son look at him with hopeful eyes.

"Yes Father, I will befriend the prince!" Scott promised, bowing his head.

Age five:
His lessons were hurting his head, he needed it to stop but if he failed then he'd be punished.

"Four times four, Your Royal Highness?" His tutor asked harshly.

"Sixteen, Sir."


Age six:
He wasn't meant to be like this. He was meant to marry Princess Adelaide. He liked girls, he had to. He couldn't like boys, right? He had to be a good role model for his new brother, Acho, he had to be the perfect son.

Age seven:
He had to stop liking boys because his engagement was official. He had to stop liking boys. He had to stop liking Lord Alexander.

Age eight:
She was very pretty but she liked girls and he liked boys. She didn't hit him or yell, she understood him. They could be friends if they'd never romantically love each other.

Age nine:
He liked boys. He was gay. Scott Aldrich Axley Lucas Denholm was a homosexual and yet the only person who knows was his friend and guard Alexander. He couldn't tell his parents, it would cause him too much pain.

Age ten:
The engagement was official and the wedding planning was underway. He received his official crown on his birthday yet it didn't feel completely right on his head.

Age eleven:
Sword fighting with Alexander was a good way to release steam, it meant he didn't have time to hurt himself or displease his parents.

Age twelve:
He knew that he'd join the military next year, especially if it meant getting away from his parents.

Age thirteen:
Crowned Prince Scott Denholm, that's who he was. He got his official state crown the day before he left for military school.

Age fourteen:
They tried to kill his parents yet he didn't cry, he lost the ability to cry over them after what they did to him. They were still alive anyway.

Age fifteen:
"I'm dating Lord Alexander of Crowton," Scott muttered, watching his sister's face light up from her hospital bed.

"I'm proud of you dear," Amber pulled him in for a hug.

Acho joined in the hug, "That's so cool Scott!"

Age sixteen:
"Scott will be King, Acho comes next and Amber is last if, Crow Father forbid, Scott and Acho fail or produce no heirs," Aurelia spoke at her children instead of to them.

Age seventeen:
They fought side by side, Scott and Alexander, two commanding officers.

Age eighteen:
His face stung with his father's slap. He had finished with the military and he had told his parents that he was gay. His father slapped him and threw him around the room.

Age nineteen:
He had run away.

The voices in his head were screaming as his arms started to bleed again.

Outside, he heard Owen and Martyn approaching his house, so he put on his false smile, yanking his sleeves down.

"Owen! Martyn!" He opened the door, ushering them inside, "Do you want a drink?" He had to pretend to be alright.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now