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The palace had been on almost complete lockdown with only members of the royal family allowed in or out for hours after Scott and Kuervo had arrived back at the palace.

Acho, Kuervo, Scott, Will, Jordon, Amilen and Abbie were sat around a table in the throne room.

Acho was just about done with socialisation today, star wanted to go home and see Mr and Mrs Rainforth, he was worried about them.

Kuervo had the urge to stab one specific person at the table, but he thought it better not to start a war by stabbing one high ranking courtier.

Scott led the meeting, he knew the workings of Avias's succession laws better than anyone else alive, he had read the laws hundreds of times through growing up.

Will watched the royal prince and noble lord argue, he saw a pain in Scott's eyes every time he was made to look at Jordon.

Jordon would not believe there were traitors in the council he worked with, he assumed the request was fake.

Amilen sat silently, she did not trust Lord Jordon of Seventon as far as she could throw him.

Abbie was representing her friend, she was worried that someone was trying to frame her old friend.

Scott sighed in anger, "Why can you not just accept that there are moles in my sister's council?" He demanded the male council member to answer.

"Because you have been gone for nine years and you hold personal grudges with this council because many of us or our families worked for His Majesty, King Hudson!" Jordon replied with venom in his voice.

Scott went to retaliate but was cut off.

"How do we know you did not fabricate an easy way to place your husband on the throne?! With both of your claims you would be unstoppable!" Jordon yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Scott, "Guards! Arrest His Royal Highness on suspicion of treason!"

"Absolutely not!" Acho slammed his hand on the table, flinching slightly, "Do not touch him!"

"I am acting on the best interests of Avias!" Jordon stood angrily, "You will stand when a high member of the Queen's council stands!" He screamed at the non royals.

"Silence! I am the Prince! You will sit and hold your tongue! You claim to act on the best interests of Avias but you ignore the safety of the royal family!" Acho stood, his knee barely supporting his weight.

Before Jordon could even think of a response, the door was thrown open, "Her Majesty, Queen Amber! Her Royal Highness, Princess Adelaide, Princess Regent of Cralton!"

Amber was dressed in her nightgown, "My husband! My daughters!" She screamed.

Adelaide turned to face Jordon, "Get out!" She demanded, having the guards escort him to the tower with no further explanation.

"Amber!" Acho ran to his sister, star's legs giving out beneath them.

Scott rushed to his siblings, "My dearest sister, what happened to Jacob and the girls?"

"They are gone! Disappeared!" She cried out, clutching her brother, "Forced onto a ship and sent away! By the same people who have been trying to force my abdication for years!"

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now