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Scott stood alone, in the middle of his captain's quarters, with the letter to his sister folded up in his hands, ready to be sealed.

He felt empty for the first time in a very long time. Was he regretting it? For the first time in six years, was Scott Denholm truly regretting running away?

He would have become King of Avias if he had stayed, he could have married his dear Alexander and ruled together but no, he threw it all away for a little bit of freedom and adventure.

He knelt at his private altar to the Sea Goddess to pray, to try to clear his mind.

"Oh fairest Lady of the Sea, hear my prayer to thee."

Scott closed his eyes as he continued, "Lady Kristen, I ask of you to please watch over my dearest sister, the Queen of Avias, the queen of the kingdom that worships your husband, the Crow Father."

From his pocket, Scott pulls out a small box, "Lady Kristen, I humbly offer you a set of obsidian earrings in return for the protection of my sister and her family."

Scott set the box of jewelry down into his offering bowl as he finished his prayer to the Sea Goddess and the Crow Father.

Silence filled the cabin as the captain finally allowed himself to cry. He cried first for his sister, then his sibling, for his crew, for his love and finally for himself too.

In that moment he was reminded of what everyone he cared about would lose if he just fled to the pretty Viscount's land. Scott considered running off to be with the pretty aristocrat that he met on his travels many times since his 'disappearance'.

Amber would lose her older brother for a second time. They had been so close as children, being only one year different in age.

Acho would also lose star's older brother. Scott couldn't do that, he wasn't going to leave Acho behind.

The Herons would lose their captain. They were his family, his true family, and Scott would not break their hearts.

Alexander would lose his beloved. They had planned to get married before the princes had 'disappeared'.

And most importantly, Scott would lose himself. He would lose his freedom and the life he'd built for himself. So he decided to stay and live freely.

He decided they'd set sail that night for Avias, he was done hiding from his past and fearing his future.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now