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(TW: Self-harm and alcoholism)

"I need to talk to you," Acho sat himself across from Scott at the table in the bar, the room was empty aside from them.

"Hello Acho," Scott brought his drink to his lips, making eye contact with his brother.

"This is more of a serious conversation," Acho let out a breath, star's eyes not meeting their older brother's gaze.

Scott set the drink down, "Are you alright?"

"I-" Acho lost it, he dropped their head and cried.

Scott stood and moved to sit beside his youngest sibling, embracing star, "Hey, I'm here. I am here for you, you can let it out."

"I can't lose you," Acho sobbed and Scott suddenly understood what star meant.

"You've known me your whole life Acho, I will be okay, yeah?" The elder of the Denholm brothers comforted his younger sibling, "I'm sorry for scaring you my dear brother, and I'm sorry that you haven't had the right time to process how you're feeling yet."

They sat like that for hours until Acho pulled away, "Get Owen to clean your arms please, I know you hurt yourself recently. If not for your own sake then for mine."

"I will. And if you need to talk, come find me, yeah? I love you," Scott squeezed Acho's hand.

"I love you too," Acho responded, waving Scott goodbye before star pulled out a bottle of alcohol.

Acho's internal clock stopped feeling the passage of time after the fifth bottle.

"Show me your arms," Will sat across from Acho, who was now surrounded by bottles of alcohol, "That is not a suggestion."

Acho didn't acknowledge Will any more than with a tip of star's head and a distant greeting, "Captain."

"Acho Zachariah Geoffrey George Denholm-Nightingale, I was not suggesting. Now," Will would admit later that they were less subtle and nice than he'd liked to have been but that wasn't his priority then and there.

"Don't worry about it," Star's voice was gruff and almost gone, "Want a drink?"

"No. Put the alcohol down Acho," Will took the last full bottle and moved it away, "Arms."

"Fine, whatever," Acho pulled up their sleeves, revealing exactly what Will feared they'd find, bloody lines.

Will didn't say anything, instead he pulled disinfectant out of his backpack and swabbed it over Acho's arms, frowning when star didn't even react.

"Sorry," Star mumbled, looking away.

"No, you don't have to be sorry dear," Will replied sincerely.

Acho looked away, not wanting to see what star had done.

Will continued to clean the injuries, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm just stressed out about shit, Will, I just need life to slow down," Acho spoke, his heart breaking.

"I get that, but please don't hurt yourself Acho, please."

"I'll try to stop, but I can't promise."

"That's all I ask."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now