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"Honestly, at this point I'm glad I got ordained as joke one day because it's turning out to be quite helpful," Will joked with the parents of Catalina as they watched the final guests trickle in.

"I am so grateful you agreed to do this Will, thank you so much," Alex smiled, rocking his daughter back and forth gently.

"Alright y'all! This is going to be a lot less formal than the wedding!" Sausage called, he wasn't lying either, he was literally in casual clothes, not an inch of Kestrel was obvious on him.

"Our line of living is not the safest, we do not even want to imagine anything bad happening to our friends but we must have a backup plan. By naming one set of godparents each, Cate's parents are instating that backup plan," Will spoke, gesturing towards baby Catalina, "Without further ado, here we go."

Sausage was first to announce his choices.

Guqqie was like a sister to him, they'd been part of his life since he was fifteen years old, she was the first to know about what happened to his village. There wasn't even consideration in Sausage's mind, Guqqie would be the godmother.

Martyn had saved his life, not that anyone had known that, they had stayed up late together, shared brief kisses, cared for each other, he was a kind and caring man.

"Guqqie and Martyn, my dearest friends," he held out his hand, having his friends join him.

Alex was next to step forward, holding their daughter.

Alex had hung out with Water officially on the Isle one day, bonding over their love of music, she had confided in him the stresses of being married to a pirate but also how the joy heavily overturns the fear, they were a friend from the moment they had met.

His friendship with Kyle was unique, he'd confided in Kyle, spoken of his deepest, darkest secrets. Kyle had been the one he told about his fears about not being a good enough father and Kyle was the one who told him that his fears were irrational.

"My choices are Water and Kyle," he beamed, setting Catalina in Water's arm when she made it to him.

Scott was last.

To Scott, Owen was a sister, a friend and his right hand. From the moment the two had met, they were thick as thieves, two peas in a pod, best friends. If there was one person Scott trusted with his daughter outside of his siblings, it was Owen.

Though he was newer to the Isle, Sniff had found a place in Scott's heart and they had become good friends. She had often told Scott about how they used to look after the village children for money. Scott trusted her with not only his own life, but also Catalina's too.

"Owen is my choice in godmother and Sniff as godfather."

As soon as the six godparents were stood in a line, Will asked them to swear to help raise and protect Catalina to the best of their abilities, to guide her and support her through her life's endeavours.

Just as Sniff had accepted the promise, there was a loud crash, the door had been swung open.

"Alexander. I am going to kill you."


Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now