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"All rise for Her Majesty, Queen Amber Denholm of Avias!" The page boy announced to the council room.

"Your Majesty," the council stood and bowed, Lord Jordon took the queen's outstretched, glovesdhand.

Amber nodded slightly, taking her seat at the head of the table, "Sit Councillors."

"On our agenda today, Your Majesty, is the matters of Lord William, Duke of Crowton and Miss Catalina Denholm," Lord Jordon looked at his notes.

"I believe you mean Princess Catalina Sausage-Denholm," Amber corrected harshly, she would not tolerate slander or shame on her niece's name.

"Apologies Ma'am but," Jordon set his paper down, "On behalf of the people I represent, I would like to move to decree her a bastard."

"Absolutely not," Amber's voice was firm, her eyes threatening someone to disagree.

"With respect to Your Majesty, she is a bastard. Born of an illigitimate relationship and conceived before your brother had his titles restored," Jordon replied, it was truly quite stupid of him to argue back with his Queen but alas, he lacked common sense.

"My Lord, it seems that you are forgetting who you talking to," Amber hit her hand against the table, "You will not speak of my niece that way. Leave my council chambers at once! Councillors, dismissed," she stood and turned to exit.

"Your Majesty," the council stood as the queen stalked out.

Once she was gone, a girl turned towards Jordon, "My Lord, you have done it now, Her Majesty does not care for those who speak ill of her family," she followed the Queen out.

"Lady Amilen, it seems there is an opening for the position of Head of the Queen's Council as well as Chief Advisor to the Crown, would you be interested in it?" Amber asked as her lady and friend fell into step beside her.

"If it so pleases Your Majesty, I am more than happy to accept."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now