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Something felt wrong to him, Hermes never ignored him before, why wasn't he answering?

"Herms? Bud? Are you alright?" Scott was getting nervous now, he was absolutely not losing both Sausage and Hermes only days apart.

He kicked the door open, panicking when the room was empty, he saw first Sausage's letter, then Hermes's.

Scott and Alex,

Papa's in danger and I am going to save him, he saved me after all and I can't lose him. I will not let my Papa, your husband, die.

I have Dad's coin, so I can get people to listen to me, it will keep me safe but I couldn't risk you two getting hurt so I didn't tell you. If you haven't read Papa's letter, you should, he can explain. He isn't dead, I can feel it in my magic, but he is hurt, badly. I do not mean to scare you but it is the truth.

There is not time to explain but I'm commandeering the first ship I find. If I do not return, I love you both, I am glad to have been able to call you both my father figures. Tell Cate about me, let her know how much her older brother loved her.

I was planning on telling you in person but I might not get the chance so here we go, I am non-binary, he/they. Surprise. Alright, I'm going now, goodbye.

Your son, Hermes

Scott screamed bloody murder, he screamed for his husbands, his children, his family, his friends, he screamed.

"Scott?!" It was Acho who arrived first, finding his brother holding the crumpled letters.

"Hermes... Gone... Sausage..." he held the letters out towards Acho, sobbing.

Acho skimmed over the letter, nodding slowly, "I'm going back to grab them, Scott, they will be alright. Prince's honour, they will be alright," Acho held star's brother close.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now