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The chapel was silent as Scott sat at the altar, his knees ached from the hours of each day he'd been there, on his knees on the floor in prayer.

Acho stood in silence by the door, star's head bowed in respect. Occasionally he would sit in one of the pews, but for the most part, they stood by the door in silence.

"Oh Crow Father please, please do not take Alexander from us..." Scott was so deep in thought and prayer that he didn't notice Sausage and Kyle enter the room until he felt Sausage's weight beside him at the altar, joining him in his prayer.

"Oh high and mighty Crow Father, accept this offering of gold in return for our love's life," Sausage spoke with a quiver to his voice, his throat raw and red from the screaming and crying.

"I'm sorry for being so distant," Scott muttered as the two moved to sit on a pew together, the redhead's head rested on Sausage's shoulder, curling up against him.

"Hey, no, don't apologise, you've known Alex for nineteen years and you've been together for ten, it's got to hurt baby," Sausage brought his arms around Scott, "I will never blame you for mourning for your love dear."

"I love him," Scott whimpered.

"I know baby, I think I do too, I've not even known him for a full week but I understand why you love him," the Kestrel mumbled sweetly.

Kyle cleared his throat, "There is someone here to see you."

The doctor who had been attending to Alex had entered the room and had his notes and charts in her arms, her stethoscope around her neck and her glasses on her nose.

Sausage and Scott had stood to turn and face her, their hands intertwined as the doctor stood before them, Kyle and Acho stood behind them.

"Your Highness, Mr Myth, I bring news about His Grace," She held her clipboard to her chest, looking at the both of them.

"Yes?" The pain in Sausages's voice was not well hidden.

"Dr Abigail! He's awake!" A nurse burst into the room and less than a second later, Scott and Sausage made their way running down the corridor, ignoring how the palace staff bowed to Scott.

"My loves," Alex croaked out as his hands were taken into his boyfriend's, "I am awake my dear boys."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now