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"Baby!" Amber exclaimed, rushing down the halls of her palace.

Scott II was gripped tightly by a guard, tears welling in his eyes, "Mama! Tell him to let me go!"

Amber stopped in her tracks, "Captain Edward?! You were banished from my kingdom in return for your life! How did you get back?" She had fear and poison in her eyes.

"I was never on your side, Amber, I have been working with The Rebellion from afar. I've been working with your guards for two years now and you never noticed," Captain Edward held a tight grip on the prince, "You killed your father and for that you deserve to die!"

"Do not slander my good name! My father was killed by assassins! And even if I had killed him, my son is innocent of my actions!" Amber lied through her teeth about her father's death, she would do anything for her son, "What do you want from me in order to let my son go?"

"To step down. Avias has been ruled by a woman for far too long. Step down in favour of your son and name his Uncle through marriage, Lord Alexander the Duke of Crowton, as his Regent. Don't comply with my wishes and I'll put a bullet through your son," Edward threatened, gripping his holster.

"Mama!" Scott II cried out, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

Amber looked at her son, "Baby, listen to Mama, I'm going to need you to close your eyes for me and not open them."

Scott II closed his eyes, not opening them even as the tight grasp on him was released and a hard thud fell beside him, he did open his eyes when he was taken quickly into his mother's embrace.

On the floor lay an unconscious former captain, behind him stood Adelaide holding a metal pole.

Scott II nuzzled into his mother and cried, "Mama! I missed you!" He cried out, burying himself into her chest.

Amber fell to the floor with him, holding him gently, "Baby, I missed you more than you could ever imagine! My babies are all back!"

Scott II looked up slowly, "Lexi made it back?" He questioned, he'd been with his sister for mere hours before Captain Edward took her away into the village.

"Yes Bub, we are all safe and alive. We will question Edward and those we have captured. After this all settles down you and your sisters are going with Uncle Scott and Uncle Acho back to the Faction Isles for a while," Amber explained.

"Yes Mama," Scott II nodded slightly, "I love you."

"I love you too, my darling prince," Amber replied, watching Adelaide drag Edward's unconscious form down the hall, towards the dungeons to be held for questioning.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now