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Will was the second to last to enter the tavern, he took a deep breath and opened the door, waving over towards the corner where Acho stood with Graecie and Kuervo.

Acho gave Will a quick hug when he arrived in their corner, "Hey. How are you coping?"

Will shrugged, "I am very aware I'll break down as soon as I'm alone but for now I am more focused on making sure you guys are alright first. Speaking of, have any of you seen Apo? I'm really worried about him."

Graecie replied, "He's outside, by the tree, I thought it would be best to give him a little bit of space, be seemed at peace to down extent out there," she explained.

Will cocked an eyebrow quickly, he didn't like the idea of Apo on a high ledge at a time like this, they wouldn't risk losing another member of his family, "I'm going to check on him really quick, just a gut feeling," he turned and walked briskly out of the tavern, towards the bottom of the tree with a sense of urgency, "Apo?"

Apo, who was sat on a bench at the base of the tree, looked up, "Hey."

Will sat down on the other end of the bench, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Apo took in a sharp breath, "I was thinking about jumping. No point lying I guess, I just don't want to hurt anymore."

Will nodded, "I understand that, and Im not just saying that, I truly understand. There's a part of my heart every day that just wants everything to calm down and stop, and sometimes I consider it but please remember that we love you. Take the pain you are feeling now and understand that if you jump then the pain doesn't disappear, instead it is passed on to those you love."

"I never thought about it that way," Apo faced Will, wiping his own eye with a small sigh.

Back inside, Graecie was getting worried, "I should go find them."

"No need," Kuervo pointed to the door where Apo and Will had just entered and stopped to chat with Ros before they approached them.

Apo stood between Graecie and Will when he and Will joined the small group, "Ros, Michela and Jojo are asking for you by the way Graecie, something about girls night in the main tavern tonight and seeing if you were still up for it?"

Graecie nodded slightly, "Thanks Apo, I'll join them now," Graecie hugged each person in the group first before she hurried off.

Will wrapped his hand into Apo's kindly, "Do you three want to hang out here in the Nighting-Ale tonight? Just the four of us? It's a chance to bond and try feel a little bit better about everything. Just so we don't have to be alone tonight and because Kuervo won't leave us and this makes his self appointed job of protecting us easier."

Acho replied first, "I'd like that, I don't want to be alone tonight. Though I do need to talk to Alex at some point soon about something important."

Apo agreed with a small nod, "I'd be down to do that."

Kuervo smiled just a little, "I'd love to, and you are right, I don't want to risk any of you hurting yourself tonight. The girls are safe at girls night, Owen promised to take care of them and Marnie and Mrs Rainforth have each other through this."

Will pulled Apo under his arm, concerned about what would happen if he let go, "Sounds like a plan."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now