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Scott held Flam's hand tightly, letting the blue haired boy lead him through the paths of the Isle until they made it to Flam's house.

Flam opened the door with one hand and wrapped his other arm around Scott's waist, "Open your eyes my dearest."

Scott opened his eyes and gasped in excitement, "Oh Flam!"

The candles decorated the tables were shades of blue, their shades of blue. Books are scattered around the living room and Scott eyes his favourite book. There was small nibbles laid out and it was perfect.

Flam placed a gentle kiss on Scott's forehead, "Do you like it?"

Scott embraced Flam, "I love it! I love you!" He giggled, nuzzling his boyfriend.

Flam chuckled lovingly, "I love you too my gorgeous. Now go sit down and pick up a snack or two love."

Scott sat and wrapped a blanket around himself, nibbling on a strawberry as his boyfriend moved to the kitchen.

"Tea my love?" Flam called gently, smiling at the sight of his boyfriend slowly eating a strawberry.

"Yes please!"

It took a few minutes for Flam to sit both mugs on the table, "You can start reading love," they smiled.

Scott nodded a little and picked up his favourite book but he noticed something different about the bookmark, there was a small silver ring with a blue stone tied to the end of it, "Flam? Flam! What is this?"

Flam knelt beside Scott, chuckling, "Hey love, I'm not good at speeches so I'll keep this short and sweet. Scott Sausage-Denholm of Crowton, I love you more than life itself and I've always loved you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to be able to call you my husband. Scott, my love, my light, my dearest heart, will you marry me?"

Scott tackled Flam into his arms, peppering his face with soft, gentle kisses, "Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"

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