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Scott was tired, like his physical body was tired, he couldn't get off of the couch he was on for more than a few minutes and his fiancés were out of the Isle for a few hours.

A knock on the door that led to the kitchen caught Scott's attention, so he looked over towards the door to see Martyn holding a tray with bowls of soup and mugs of tea, "You look like you could use some company," he sat beside Scott on the couch.

Scott nodded faintly, he was so tired and hungry, "Sorry... pregnancy is taking my energy..." he had recently announced his pregnancy to the Isle.

"That's fair Scott, do you want me to send a rat to get Sausage and Al?" Martyn asked, handing Scott the soup.

"No that's fine, thank you for the soup, tomato yeah?" The Denholm boy sipped the soup.

"Yeah, creamy tomato. Are you really alright? Because you look like you're super ill, do I need to get anyone?"

Scott shook his head, "It'll be fine, should be only a few hours if my reading is right. Besides, you guys have a really comfortable couch."

"Yeah, we do have oddly good furniture. Hermes says hi by the way, he went out with Owen on an adventure not long before you woke up," the data hopper chuckled, "He seemed really excited."

"He lives with his Dad mostly and there aren't really any pirates in Stratos so he adventures with his Papa every time he visits."

"Fair, so he's like you then? Deity from one side, mortal from the other?" Martyn asked, picking up his mug of tea from the tray.

"Yeah, but he's definitely inherited more from Joel than I did from Mother, and he actually lives with the godly figure he hails from," Scott explained, finishing off his portion of soup before picking up his own warm tea.

"That's really cool! He seems like a good kid, a good head on his shoulders," Martyn nodded, he planned to spend the rest of the day with Scott to make him feel better.

"He really is, Sausage, Joel and Liz made sure of that, they did an amazing job raising him as much as they could," Scott smiled.

"He's a credit to his family, you and Al included."

"Thanks Martyn, I try my best whenever I see him."

"And it has paid off."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now