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Scott had not left his room for the three days they had been sailing upon the sea, not once. Not for Cleo, not for El, not for Water, not for Owen, not for Christian and not for Gabriel either.

He had let no one but Owen into his rooms to see him. Owen had ended up bringing him food so that his captain wouldn't miss a meal.

The redhead's door was suddenly thrown open on the third day, "Scott! Get dressed smart and do it quickly! Two Kestrels are less requesting to and more informing us of their intentions of boarding!" Cleo barged into the captain's quarters to find him staring at his map.

"Yes Cleo, let me just go let Scott know you are on your way and check that he's decent," Owen ran in, a sarcastic tone evident in his voice but she stopped as she watched the clogs turn in his captain's head.

"Ok, Amber has to be up to something. Nightingales, Kites, Herons and Kestrels all set to arrive in Avias on the same day. Send them in," Scott rolled his eyes playfully at his peace being disturbed so rudely.

"They 'request' Owen stay too," Cleo informed with quotations around the word request, waiting for confirmation.

"Understood, let them know that their 'request' has been accepted" Scott replied tiredly, adding his own air quotes around the word.

A few minutes later, Scott had his coat and hat on when the two Kestrels were brought to his door. The captain of the Herons sat in his chair with his first mate standing behind him, "Captain Sausage, First Mate Foster."

Sausage swept his hat playfully, "Captain Denholm, First Mate Oakhurst. What is your business in Avias? Because all factions are heading there and I will not be used as bait to catch my crew if this is a trap."

"The queen has written to me personally Captain, she invited the Herons to be honoured guests at her ball. I am going to meet with her."

"Scott, you don't think this is a big plan to have us all killed do you?" Kyle spoke shakily, looking between the Herons for reassurance.

"Avias is a safe zone for us all, Queen Amber passed the Privateers Recognition Act of 1821 two years ago, it protects the pirates of the Faction Isles on Avias's land," Scott looked up at the roof then back to the Kestrels.

This couldn't have been more inconvenient for him and his plans, he wouldn't be able to greet his sister like he wanted to with every other faction present.

"Docking!" Gabriel called from above deck, the sound of swords clashing and footsteps booming out suddenly came from above deck mere seconds after the announcement.

"Shut up and do not make a single sound," Kuervo shut and locked the door behind him as he, Will and Acho appeared in Scott's cabin, looking rather distraught.

"Does someone want to explain what on Lady Kristen's blue sea two Nightingales and a Kite are doing appearing on my ship, and in my room now I come to think of it?" Scott demanded, standing up from his chair.

"Please shut up Heron," Kuervo's eyes pierced Scott's soul.

"We were ambushed Scott, by King Hudson's old guards, the same ones who attacked you on that island," Acho hissed, pressing star's ear to the door to listen out.

"What?" Scott promptly collapsed into his chair with a shaky breath, his friends and fellow pirates were taken and he had to get them back, "I've got an idea, but you all have to trust me."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now