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To my dearests with love,

By the time this letter has reached you, I may be gone.

He has almost found me and as I write, he is looking through the Kestrel home. I am sorry I did not board the ship with you but I didn't want more of a target and it worked, he stayed to get rid of me. One of the Herons will send this letter, he is waiting outside of the window but he does not know that William is here.

Take care of Hermes for me, and look after Joel too. We may not have worked out but we did once love each other greatly.

I love you both, more than life itself, and if I get out alive then you have full permission to punch me for my stupidity.

Hermes, I wish that I had more time together, mi hijo, I am so proud of who you are and I hope I can live long enough to see the man you'll become.

Cate, mi hija, I am sorry you'll never really know me, but I hope your other fathers have told you stories of me if I don't make it out.

Until I see you all again, or if I never do, I love you all and goodbye.

Mythical J. Sausage

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