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A small knock rang out through the house and it was Sausage who answered the door, "Hello Ma'am, have we met before? You seem oddly familiar..."

"You have probably seen portraits but we haven't officially met yet, I'm Leona," she smiled a familiar smile.

Sausage thought to himself about how similar that smile was to Alex's smile, "How can I help you Miss Leona?"

"I am looking for the Duke, Alexander," Leona could hear her son's voice from the kitchen, she missed him.

"Yeah of course, let me go grab him," Sausage moved back into the kitchen, "Alex, there is someone at the door for you."

Alex stood, holding Catalina on his hip, "Bub, do you want to go to Papa or Pa or do you want to come with Dad?"

"Can I go to Pa?" Catalina asked, giving her dad a kiss on the cheek before her pa took her into his arms.

Alex made his way to the door, "Hello, how can I-" he was cut off by a particular woman in his doorway, "No. No. No! This is not real! It can't be!"

Leona smiled slightly, watching her son take it in.

"Mother?" Alex had tears in his eyes at this point.

Leona opened her arms, "The one and only, my son."

Alex barrelled into his mother's arms, "Ma!" He broke, his mother was there, with him, alive, "How?"

"When your son marries the grandson of the Goddess and Angel of Death said goddess wants her family to be happy. Scott can explain it to you later but for now just let me hold you," Leona wrapped her arms tightly around her oldest and only child.

"Sweetheart?" Scott called, coming to see who has been at the door.

Alex turned, keeping one arm around his mother.

"Leona?" Scott questioned with a smile, "I thought Grandma would be sending you to us sooner or later," he pulled her in for a quick hug.

"Ma, I want you to meet some people who are very special to me, my family," Alex smiled.

"I'd be honoured to meet your family my sweet boy."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now