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"Please~" Scott begged, rutting against Sausage's thigh through his poofy dress.

"I don't recall you being given permission to speak, do you Alex?" Sausage gripped Scott's face.

"I don't recall giving him permission either Sausage," Alex pushed Scott backwards onto the bed, Sausage's thigh still placed firmly between his legs.

Scott let out a high pitched whine, whimpering as four hands slid over his clothed body, Sausage's were in his hair and on his hip, Alex's were fiddling with his chest and slowly sliding up his thigh bare.

"You are very lucky tonight is about pampering us all or you'd be bent over our laps right here and now for your misbehavior," Sausage muttered into Scott's neck.

As Scott turned bright red, Alex's hand reached his husband's inner thigh, oh how he loved the sound of that, his husband.

"You may now speak freely, be grateful baby," Sausage bit down, earning a yelped out sound of gratitude and thanks.

"Please~ Good~" the words leaving Scott's mouth were no longer comprehensible English, though the gist of them was very much there in his pleading tone.

"Patience dear, not even naked and he's already close, pathetic," Alex spat, he knew how much Scott loved to be degraded.

Sausage pulled Alex against his body and started to make out with him whilst lazily unzipping the back of Scott's dress.

Scott shimmied the dress off and carefully moved it to the side before moving himself back onto Sausage's thigh.

Alex wrapped Scott's hair in his hands and pulled their faces together as Sausage undid his pants.

"Good boy..." Sausage muttered, kissing up Alex's body, "So good yeah?"

Alex's dominating persona faltered for a few brief moments at the praise before he let it slip completely, "For you..." he replied, embarrassed.

"Now Scott, are you going to be just as good as 'Lex is being for me right now?" Sausage asked, moving Scott's face to stick his tongue down the shorter boy's throat.

Scott nodded as well as he could in his current situation.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now