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(Light and implied smut)

"Have fun everyone!" Kyle called as he and Guqqie grabbed their overnight bags, "We'll bring you back some drinks and s'mores!"

Each Kestrel took turns hugging the two as Alex stood awkwardly, not sure what he was allowed to do.

Kyle brought Alex into his arms, "You'll be fine dude."

Guqqie stole Alex to embrace, "Welcome to the Kestrels dear!" They giggled as she and Kyle left and closed the door.

"Now my gorgeous, come sit so we can discuss boundaries and safewords my dear," Sausage gestured towards a couch, guiding Alex to sit down.

"We use the colour system or the traffic light system here, green for good or keep going, yellow is for slow down or you need a break and red is stop and everything ceases, all good so far Darling?" Martyn drawled out, cupping Alex's cheek to bring him in for a gentle kiss.

"Yeah. I've used the traffic light system a lot, do you guys have safe words too?" Alex accepted the kiss with a dusty blush across his face.

"We do love. Mine is data, Oli's is seaweed and I'm assuming you know Sausage's already but his is pineapple and the communal one is island. Do you have one dearest?" Martyn sat himself down on Alex's lap.

"Indigo," Alex squirmed as Oli moved down to kiss against his neck.

"Boundaries? After this we'll get to pampering you," Oli asked against the new Kestrel's neck.

"I don't enjoy being left alone during edging, it's not great for me mentally. Edging is awesome but I can't be alone during it. If I come across anything else then I'll let you guys know," Alex voiced, his voice cracking as Oli bit gently.

"We won't edge you yet baby, thank you for being honest with us," Sausage kissed his forehead, "Marty, let him up and go show him the big bed, he's been so good so far."

Alex's face turned a bright shade of red as Martyn pulled him along, pushing him against the bed with a loving kiss.

Martyn dragged his hand up Alexander's body, pinning the newest Kestrel's wrists above his head, "So gorgeous, aren't you dear?" He muttered.

A soft whimper left Alex's mouth, "Good..." he panted gently.

"Now my love, I do recall you being particularly interested in being paddled dear?" Sausage pulled Martyn back by his hair, giving him a loving kiss.

"Gods yes," Alex panted, sitting up against the headboard. A soft whine escaped his lips as Martyn and Sausage made out.

Oli pulled Alex against him, "Can't have you feeling left out dear," he teased, kissing him gently, "Colour?"

"Green, so very green."

"Take off your shirt and bend over the bed for us love," Sausage spoke with an authoritative tone in his voice, still lazily making out with Martyn.

"I won't be able to hold that position long enough, I'm sorry, surgery makes bending over harder," Alex responded, pulling back from Oli.

"That's not a problem at all, do you want to stand with your hands against the wall?" Martyn questioned gently, "I'm proud of you for voicing your needs dear."

"That could work," the praise made Alex blush as he went to pull off his shirt and assume the position.

"After every hit you will count and thank us," Sausage picked up the leather paddle and set it against Alex's ass.


"One, thank you," Alex whimpered softly.

"Perfect love," Martyn giggled.


Alex hissed out the number two and a thanks.

The numbers went up until ten, Sausage proceeded to set the paddle down and rub Alex's bruised skin, "Colour?"


"Good boy, now lay down and let us take care of you," Oli muttered soft praise.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now