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"Can I ask what business you have on the Faction Isles? We thought we were taking people off, not dropping them off," the captain of the ship asked the demigod.

"I am on a special mission, Her Majesty, Queen Amber that is, has received news that her brother-in-law law, Sir Sausage, has a lead on the whereabouts of the traitor," it was half a lie, Amber hadn't got the letter but they weren't lying about Sausage knowing where William was.

"I see, I have never seen you before and you carry a coin minted by a god's own hand, how?" The questions weren't malicious, he just wanted to get a better understanding of the situation.

"His Holiness and I go back, since he and Sir Sausage were a thing, he trusts me," Hermes shrugged.

"That's fair, you can't be older than eighteen, so you've known him since you were five at the oldest?" The sailor docked at the town dock, watching the townsfolk walk towards his boat to board.

"He raised me. Adiós Captain!" Hermes hopped himself into the dock.

"Well wishes on your mission Sir!" The captain tipped his head, ushering the townsfolk up the gangplank.

Hermes tossed a pouch of gold towards the sailor and dipped his hat, "Gracias!" He was thankful for his disguise as none of the townspeople seems to recognise him.

The sailor waved farewell before leaving the dock, sailing away from the island.

Hermes snuck through the trees, he couldn't afford to be seen by anyone, not William and not the pirates of the Isle.

He made his way to the Kestrel Faction Base, hiding from the sight of Shep, who had his gun drawn.

He had made it into their father's room through the window, he dropped in silently and turned.

They were met by the sight of their father, petrified, completely turned to stone.

He wanted to scream, but they couldn't, instead they fell to his knees with tears in his eyes.

Hermes clutched Sausage's stoned body, sobbing silently, "Papa," he whispered.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now