Cuddle Pile

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Across the Isle, in the Kestrel's base, Alex laid his head in Martyn's lap, "Comfy..." he muttered gently.

Martyn laced his hand within Alex's hair, massaging his head with great care, "You did so well baby, are you feeling alright?"

"Mhm," Alex hummed tiredly, leaning into Martyn's touch with a small noise of comfort.

"I'll take that as a yes," Martyn chuckled, leaning back against Sausage's chest, who had Oli against his side.

"Sleep dear, tomorrow you can have a grand tour of the Isle," Sausage spoke gently, his hand resting on Martyn's inner thigh.

Alex pulled the blanket up to cover himself more, he nuzzled into Martyn to gain more warmth.

"Sausage, love?" Oli mumbled from his place against the captain, his arms against his chest.

"What's up my dear?" Sausage pulled Oli closer to him, his embrace was full of love.

"Things are loud in my head again..." he spoke distantly, covering his ears with a pained whimper.

"Focus on me dear, ignore what the voices are telling you. You are here with me and Martyn and Alex. You are here with people who love you and care about you."

Oli moved in closer, his eyes closing and his breathing evening out as he listened to Sausage's voice, letting his captain's words wash over him.

"That's it dear, let yourself rest and feel safe with us. We are here for you, forever and always Oli."

And moments later, it was only Martyn and Sausage awake, the former curled up against the latter with a smile.

"I do not understand how he has somehow managed to lie on his ass after the number you pulled on it, like I stopped counting after the third time he went over your knee. Although, to be fair, it wasn't a punishment so you were particularly nice to him," Martyn chuckled, gesturing towards Alex.

"I know, honestly, I think he took that all so well considering I don't think he bottoms often or at all. But maybe you're right, if that was a punishment, I don't think he'd be on his ass right now," Sausage replied, kissing Martyn's hair softly.

Martyn blushed giddily and hid his face in his nightshirt, "Nooooooo," he whined, his dominating persona having disappeared long before, hair kisses always made him blushy.

"Awe Marty, aren't you just so cute?" Sausage chuckled, a soft yawn escaping his lips.

"Alright alright, let's stop teasing me and sleep Darling. Goodnight Sausage, I love you," Martyn rested his head against Sausage's chest and closed his eyes.

"Goodnight Marty, I love you too, sleep well," Sausage replied, resting against his massive pillow that seperates him from the headboard with a layer of fluffy comfort.

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