Kestrel Inauguration

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Today was the day, Alexander was going to become a pirate officially.

Alex paced nervously, he was waiting to be collected for his official inauguration into the Kestrel Faction.

"Hey, they're ready for you out there," Ausbie opened the door with a supportive smile, "And if it makes you feel any less nervous, Sausage has been bouncing in excitement all day, he is really happy that you accepted his offer."

"It does make me feel better actually," Alex took the outstretched hand that Ausbie offered, taking a deep breath.

"Look at it this way, it's going to be over in a blur and then you'll be a Kestrel," the Kestrel whispered as he led Alex down the middle of the recruitment office.

"Alexander of Crowton, it is rare that people are invited into a faction outside of Factioning days," the Recruitment Officer spoke when Alex had reached him.

Behind Callum, eight people stood to represent their factions, each leader and captain stood in a line.

The Nightingales had Marnie and Will, both dressed in deep blue to match their banner.

Cael and Aimee stood next in line, looking just like the Kites they were, dressed in red pants and white shirts.

Next was the Herons with their green slacks and brown tops, Christian and Scott smiling.

Finally there was Alison and Sausage representing the Kestrels, both wearing feathered hats and golden cufflinks.

"Normally I would go upstairs and ask the representatives but I have been informed that you've already made your decision," Callum held out the atlas towards Alex, "What will it be? Nightingales? Kites? Herons? Kestrels?"

"Kestrels," Alex replied confidently, smiling gently.

Alison approached Alexander, who kneeled, "Do you, Alexander, solemnly swear to live by the lifestyles, customs and laws of the Kestrels and by extension the Faction Isles itself? Do you solemnly promise to defer to the authority within our faction whenever you deem necessary?" She asked.

"I do promise," Alex promised, his heart beating a million miles an hour.

"Do you accept the offer of joining us in our faction?" Sausage stood beside Alison.

"Yes," Alex spoke and before he knew it, the rest of the Kestrels appeared from the audience with a sedan chair.

"Hop on the chair then and we'll give you the less formal, traditional welcome," Sausage announced.

"Have fun and good luck!" Owen called as Alex was carried out by the Kestrels.

"Watch your attitude now Owen or I'll have to fix it," Gabriel chuckled, waving goodbye to the Kestrels.

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