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"I would like to call His Grace, Lord Alexander, Duke of Crowton to the stand for a second time," William's attorney spoke, pointing the boy out in the crowd.

Alexander stood and moved, bowing to the royal family, which now included his fiancé and future brother-in-law, who had both arrived the night prior, before sitting in the witness stand.

"If I have been informed correctly, you have extra evidence of treason against my client, why not mention this when you were on the stand before?" The lawyer stared Alex down.

"Because Sir, I was told not to speak unless spoken to or say anything that is not completely related to the question at hand. Your questions did not allow for my evidence, Sir," Alex looked the lawyer in the eye.

"What evidence have you found, Duke?"

"Lord William admitted to being behind the assassination attempt on the Queen, the same attempt that nearly killed me," Alex's hands shook slightly, it still hurt him to know that his own father still wanted him dead.

"And do you have a credible witness to back your claim?"

"I do, Lady Amilen was outside the door. Your Majesty, will you excuse me?" Alex's voice was cracking as tears filled his eyes.

"Of course. Court is closed, I have reached my verdict," Amber spoke, standing.

"All stand!" The page boy announced, causing the court to stand as Alex went to stand beside the royal family as he was still technically employed by Amber as her head guard.

"I, Amber Denholm, as the Queen of Avias, find the defendant, on the charges of child abuse, orchestrating a kidnapping, attempted murder, murder in the first degree and treason..." She took a breath, "Guilty on all charges. William, you are hereby stripped of your titles and lands and I sentence to death."

Amber hated executing people so she had never used that power during her reign, but this man was unforgivably evil and had to be dealt with.

Alex locked eyes with his father, who had only one thing to say to him, "Boy, you are just as useless as your mother was. Count yourself lucky your bullet missed, because hers didn't."

Alex bowed to the royals and left the court room, tears in his eyes, he made it into his room before he started to sob.

It was only a few minutes before Scott had found him and held him tight.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now