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"Juni?" Oli didn't believe his eyes when he opened the door, "Juniper!" He pulled his son into his arms.

"Look, you can't ask questions about how I got him back," Alex made Oli promise.

"Alex, how can I ever repay you? My son!" Oli wept happily.

"I did the right thing, I won't make you repay that Oli," Alex moved past the two and went upstairs to his office and began to write.


I have held up my end of the bargain and paid my debt to Loriel and by extension, you and yet you are the losers of this scenario.

I know you did not approve of my life decisions but I did what I had to survive after you hurt me so. Maybe I got into a bit of trouble with the law and messed around with the wrong people but I never deserved this much suffering.

You ruined me and held that over me for years, but now there is nothing you can do to hurt me anymore.

See, William, I'm going to call you that from now on, I've changed over the years since working with Amber.

I am a Queen's Guard, and I've been after you and Loriel for years for your crimes. When you sent her to take her own son captive and make me pay for his return to my friend Oli, you sealed your fate, because you led her to me.

William, by the time you are reading this, you will be in Amber's tower, and I will be en route to see you, to take your titles and land then I will never see you again.

Lord Alexander of Crowton
Future Duke of Crowton

If you touch any of my friends and family again then I will kill you myself and with Sun God as my witness, there is no escaping my fury for what you've done not only to me but to Scott, Juniper, Mama (Gods rest her soul) and others who 'disagreed' with your ideology.

Goodbye William, and may you suffer eternally for what you did.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now