Kestrel's Shopping

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"I haven't been out in the markets in secret in ages," Amber smiled, pulling her cloak around her shoulders tighter as the group ducked into a clothing shop.

Scar immediately made a beeline for the hat sector, pulling Oli and Guqqie along with him.

Martyn dragged Kyle towards a section full of night clothes since both boys were in need of warmer nightwear.

"You in need of anything in particular?" Amber asked Sausage, taking up residence beside him.

"Actually yeah, I'll swing by a jewellery shop for some things," Sausage whispered, "Not to propose by the way, not yet."

"Yet huh? So you're serious about my brother?" Amber teased, bumping shoulders with the captain.

"One thousand percent," Sausage promised, "I love him and I'm prepared to give him the world someday."

"Well, not that it probably matters to you, but you have my blessing to marry my brother," Amber smiled, fidgeting with her own wedding ring.

"Actually, it means the world to me, I'll ask Acho too. I may be a pirate, but I understand how aristocracy works," Sausage looked around the small part of the store that contained jewelry.

The shopkeeper moves across to greet the two, "Are we after anything in particular today? A ring for this lovely lady perhaps?"

"Actually no ring today, and I'm dating her brother," Sausage smiled, turning a locket over in his hands.

"Ah, my apologies Sir. That locket belonged to the Queen's brother, Prince Scott," Adam smiled, "He sold it to me the night he fled, no one ever brought it in fear of backlash from King Hudson."

"Queen Amber, yes?" Sausage asked as if the hooded woman to his left wasn't the Queen of Avias.

"Yes Sir, Crow Father bless her, she donated a generous amount to the orphanage my wife owns with her girlfriend," Adam dipped his head, watching Sausage examine the locket.

Sausage picked up a few more items and set them on the table, "I'll take the locket too."

"I imagine it'll make it's way back to His Royal Highness," the young shopkeeper smiled, taking Sausage's gold.

"I believe so too, thank you," Sausage smirked, watching the rest of the Kestrels pay for their new goods.

As the group made their way through the marketplace, Amber made conversation, "Are you all attending the party this afternoon?"

"Yeah! We are so excited!" Guqqie answered for the group, "Especially because it's just the pirates so we can be ourselves."

"A few of my friends will be there too, but they are all cool!" Amber promised.

"Can't wait," Scar spun in excitement.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now