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The eldest of Amber and Jacob's children ran about the flower field with the dogs of the Isle and a few of the pirates themselves, letting out his energy through a healthy outlet.

"He looks so happy, I'm so glad Amber and Jacob let us bring him and his sisters," Acho smiled, sitting beside star's older brother on the picnic blanket with a basket of flowers.

Scott chuckled as he watched Michela sit down with Alexandrina and Dandi, across the field, he saw Sausage rocking Willow in his arms, "Me too, they deserve the freedom we were never permitted growing up."

"He'll make a great father one day, Sausage that is, if you lot want kids that is," Acho smiled, lacing flowers together into a crown.

"One day, maybe we'll discuss it again as a three," Scott stretched his legs out, placing his bookmark within the pages of his book that he'd borrowed from the Heron by the firepit.

"Do you want kids? Tell me shut up by the way if I get too annoying with the questions," Acho kept his hands busy to work out star's energy as they didn't want to run around just yet.

"Yeah, I've always wanted kids, first with Alex then with Sausage. I want to be able to do what Mother and Father couldn't... and you know... coming from Grandma and Grandpa's side of the family, it would be possible..." Scott trailed off.

"Something about after conception using your magic to like poof the baby into existence yeah?" Bless Acho's heart, they really tried but they were slightly off the mark.

"It's a bit more nuanced than that but yeah, but I'm worried that I won't be up for the challenge," the oldest living Denholm sighed.

"You'll be incredible as a dad Scott! Absolutely amazing!" Acho set the crown on his brother's head with a soft giggle.

"I hope so, and thanks for the crown Acho," Scott smiled, he was reminded of the good parts of his childhood, as far apart as those moments were.

"You look at peace and surreal," Acho started making another crown for starself but gave up to go play with the group for a little while.

And with great subtlety now that he was alone, Scott rested a hand on his stomach.

Sausage waved from across the field, Alex beside him doing the same, causing Scott to chuckle and wave back.

Mentally, he was cursing the deities by which he shared the blood that flowed within his veins that allowed for him, a cis male, to produce a child.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now