Acho's Goodbye

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By the time you read this letter, I will be gone. I swear on the sea that I am safe, but I cannot keep up with this life anymore.

I am leaving so that I can be sailing the seas, living the life I truly yearn for. You will still see me on Faction Isle, so I hope you will not hold a grudge against me for going my own way to live my own life.

As happy as I am here with you all, I've never felt whole, I've never really fit into the Heron's legacy of discovery and making a name for yourself, it's not really my style.

I have always related more to the Nightingales, their sense of belonging and family ties. Their captain sent me a letter many months ago saying I had a spot on his crew if and when I needed it.

I am leaving while we are still docked here on Faction Isle.

Do not turn away from your friendly relationship with Will and the Nightingales, they are not coercing me to join, I am leaving of my own accord, much like I left Avias on my own accord to join you.

I meet the Nightingales tonight and we sail off soon after I arrive on their ship, forgive me my Herons but they need a sixth and we have one to spare.

I am so sorry.

SRH Prince Acho of Avias
Former Member of the Herons
Member of the Nightingales

Yes, I understand the irony of running away from my brother to a ship where family ties are our key value but this is what I am choosing for my own life and living for yourself is another core value of a Nightingale.

I am leaving because I do not want to forever be the brother of the Captain of the Herons, I want to be Acho, a respected pirate in my own right and if that means becoming Acho the Nightingale, then so be it.

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