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They'd been out questing all day, and there they were, facing their third and final moth man.

Scott had to do a lot of convincing to get Owen and Acho to allow him to go at all and they made a compromise, the second things got bad, Scott had to get out.

Kuervo had just shot the beast with a scary accuracy on his bow, the moth man was so close to death.

"On your left Scott!" Will yelled, causing Scott to spin around to his left and stab.

The beast let out a howl of agony, but as it was going down, it slashed at Scott's chest, leaving scratches.

Scott hissed, grabbing at his chest with a pained groan.

"Scott! Dearest, breathe, it's going to be alright, it's just a few scratches," Sausage wasn't sure if he was trying to convince Scott or himself.

Owen, ever the mother friend of the group, pulled out bandages from his backpack, "Breathe Sausage, do not stress him out. You'll need to be the one to sail. Will and Kuervo, can you go back now and set up my tent room? Sausage, Alex and Acho, take Scott's ship and go, I'll follow with him."

Scott was yet to say a word, he was in too much shock to speak, so he simply stared blankly.

As soon as the two were alone, Owen hugged onto Scott, "Scott, are you alright?"

A soft nod was the only thing Owen got in response as the elder set a hand on his stomach.

"They're going to scar..." Owen muttered as she got to work cleaning and bandaging Scott.

"Not the first thing to scar on my body, I'm kind of a canvas," Scott attempted to joke.

"Are you sure you're alright? And before you start to panic, Bubba will be fine," Owen sighed as she sat back, watching Scott's tension release slightly.

"I'll be fine, thank you Owen."

"Anytime Scott."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now