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"Your Grace, welcome back to Avias, though the circumstances aren't grand, I've missed seeing you," Lord Jordon's younger sister bowed, she had been sent to escort Alex to the palace as the two had been friends.

"Lady Abbie, it's good to see you again, though I wish it was under better circumstances," Alex sighed as he was directed towards a carriage.

Inside the carriage, a note was sat on the table.


I am so sorry you have to do this and I understand if you don't want to, I know how hard it is to speak against your own father.

I also happen to know, however, that it is cathartic to say your piece however you need so I have written to tell you that his cell is 2B. Do and say whatever you need to dear.

Love from your future sister-in-law,
Amber Denholm

And so there Alex stood, outside of his father's cell, "William."

"So the disappointment has come to see his father. Tell me boy, you still a disgusting little-" William's hands were shackled together.

"Shut up. You will shut up and listen. You destroyed me William, you broke every part of my heart. Yes, I am still gay, engaged actually and yet you're the one rotting in a jail cell, funny how life works. I am sitting for your trial tomorrow as the Duke of Crowton, as well as speaking against you and I feel no remorse," Alex stood with his arms crossed.

"I wish the bullet I shot at Amber had of killed you."

"You were behind that? Why would you admit that to me? At least before you had a chance to live but that's a death sentence! I will bring this up tomorrow and I hope they find you guilty. You almost killed me many times over my life, indirectly or not, and now I will be there when you are found guilty," Alex left the cell and the second he was out of his father's sight, he collapsed against the wall and lost it.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now