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Dearest Amber and Jacob,

Attached you will find a formal version of this letter but I wanted to be personal first because no matter what anyone says, I am your brother/brother-in-law before I am your subject.

Sausage, Alex and I are engaged, officially! Sausage asked us in this gorgeous lush cave with a picnic and fire and tent and it was gorgeous! He said you gave him your blessing and you don't understand how much that meant to me! He asked Acho and Kyle too, oh to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation.

I'm really excited to be married, to be Sausage and Alex's husband instead of their boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, I love being their boyfriend but some people don't believe we are legitimately dating so after this, they can't say anything anymore.

On another topic, Hermes came to visit today, Sausage's son from back when he and Joel were about seventeen and messing around. Joel like Thunder God of Stratos is the father of my stepson. Hermes is about thirteen now and such a kind boy, much like his parents.

Speaking of children, now I think of it, looks like your kids are getting a cousin aside from Hermes sometime soon. I'm pregnant with Sausage's child. We are having a baby! I can't believe it, you know how much I've always wanted to be a dad and now I'm going to have a baby.

I love you both and I miss you, give the kids my love too.

Your ever loving brother, Scott

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