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Martyn stood at the bench in the Sausage-Denholm-Crowton kitchen, making up mugs of milk and tea.

"Mr Martyn?" Catalina asked from her place on the floor, drawing on some paper.

"Yes snowflake?" Martyn truly was the king of nicknames, "And you can just call me Marty or Martyn if you'd like."

"Are you dating my dad?" She asked innocently, looking up with a toothy grin.

Martyn set the cups down and sat to play with Catalina while the water on the fire boiled, "It's a weird thing, I took him on a date but I don't know if we are boyfriends."

"Dad talks about you all the time, he says that one day he hopes you'll look at him with the same love he has for you!" Catalina babbled, not noticing how happy she had made Martyn with her comment.

"You are a sweetheart, snowflake," Martyn stood and rolled his neck, smiling as Sausage and Alex moved into the kitchen.

"Dad! Papa!" Catalina waved over, "Martyn said that Pa and Flam should be back soon!"

"Yeah, they are not too far out," Sausage ruffled his daughter's hair, "Martyn, you didn't have to make us tea love."

Martyn shrugged, "You both deserve it, and I've made some for Scott and Flam too, and Alison but I assume she's still asleep?"

"Yeah, she had a bad nightmare last night while you were out and it took her a while to fall back asleep," Sausage sighed, wrapping an arm around Martyn.

"Hey, I'm home," Scott called quietly walking in holding onto Flam's hand.

"Hello coral," Martyn gave Scott a wave, pouring the water into all the mugs, handing a cup of milk to Catalina who thanked him and left the adults to chat.

Alex wrapped Scott into his arms, pulling his hand up for a kissed when he stopped suddenly, "Is that an engagement ring?"

Scott smiled just a little.

"Scott!" Sausage kept his excitement quiet as not to wake Alison.

Alex pulled Flam into his arms, "Congratulations! Both of you!"

Sausage gave Scott a gentle kiss, "My love!"

Martyn smiled from outside the celebrations, "Congratulations!"

Flam pulled Martyn in for a hug, "And congratulations for going on a date with Alex!"

Catalina waddled back into the room, "Good thing?" She questioned before she saw Scott and Flam, "Pa! Flam!" She exclaimed.

Scott knelt down to his daughter, "Hello Sweetie!" He held out his hand, "You know how I'm married to Papa and Dad?"

Catalina nodded, "Pretty ring."

"Well I'm also going to be marrying Flam too," Scott exclaimed.

"That's so cool!" Catalina gave a big hug to Scott and then Flam, "My family is getting bigger!"

Scott wrapped an arm around Alex and held him close, "That it is my little angel."

Alison rubbed her eyes tiredly as she entered the kitchen, "Congratulations guys," she spoke tiredly.

"Bug, you should sit down if you are still tired," Sausage steadied Alison and sat her down at the kitchen island.

"I'm alright, just waking up a little," she smiled sleepily.

"Here's some tea Alison," Martyn set the mug down in front of her.

"Thanks Martyn," Alison took a sip and smiled as Catalina handed her an apple.

"Breakfast for you Ali!" Catalina chirped.

"Thank you blossom," Alison took a small bite of the apple with a content grin.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now