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"I'm not okay," That was how he spoke when Kuervo opened the door.

The Nayan had arrived the other day in Vexley and had been working beside Amber, Jacob, Acho, Nora and Owen in an attempt to weasel out the traitors in Amber's court back in Avias.

"Come in, sit," Kuervo closed the door behind Scott, sitting across the table from the father and daughter, he invited Scott to speak about what was bothering.

"I'm sorry for just showing up unannounced, but I was scared of myself," Scott held Catalina close to his chest, rubbing her back,his arms held new red lines that peaked out from beneath his sleeves.

"No Scott, do not even start to think like that. I am your friend and I am going to help you. Would you like to talk about it?" Kuervo was not normally to have an emotional conversation, but he wanted to help Scott, he saw the Denholms like siblings after all.

"I am scared. I guess you've heard about what happened with Sausage-" Scott saw the small nod from Kuervo as confirmation about his knowledge on the situation, "I'm scared that I'm going to lose my husband and son. And Acho left with Alex and Owen to go back, I can't lose them," he had tears streaming down his face.

"Let's go through this logically to help ease your mind yeah? Starting with Sausage, he's been a pirate for about half his life, he wont go down without a fight. Hermes and Acho are demigods, so a mere mortal couldn't take them down. Owen is an escape master, she's extremely talented. Alex has a fighting force protecting him, he will come out unscathed. They will all come out unscathed yeah?" Kuervo offered a cup of tea to help calm the prince.

"Well when you put it like that, it sounds alright. Sorry for being emotional, things have been rough this past year," Scott thanked him for the tea, resting Catalina on his lap as he drank gently.

Kuervo took a sip of his own drink, "You have every right to be emotional, that is your familia (family) and you are worried. Would you like to go for a walk to distract yourself for a while?"

"Yes please, and thank you Kuervo."

"Amber is like my sister, that makes you lot my family."

"I'm so glad she didn't betray you, she was never one to follow what our parents wanted so I guess there was never a doubt in my mind that she'd help you escape your grandfather's army," Scott finished the tea, standing.

Kuervo smiled softly, nodding, "She risked everything because she trusted me, I'm so grateful for her trust."

"That's my sister, she trusts her own gut and no one else," Scott spoke proudly.

"Could I hold Sophia?" Almost no one really knew why Kuervo addressed Catalina by her middle name but it wasn't an issue so no one commented.

"Of course," Scott set the baby down in the Kite's arms, walking alongside him.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now