Scott's Letter

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Your Majesty,

I do hope you'll forgive me for how long it's been since I wrote to you, life at sea has kept one busy with taking care of my crew and my ship.

I know you said to visit you soon and I fully intend to keep my promise of seeing you again. We set sail for Avias tomorrow morning, we should dock within the next three days.

I miss the days that we would find the energy to write long winded letters to each other like tomorrow would be much better than the day we wrote. I don't know what happened but I assume we both grew up and learned our places in the world.

It has been six years on this day since we left but I do not regret what I did. I ran for my own sanity, not to spite Mother and Father, no matter what they chose to tell the kingdom. I took Acho because star deserved better than what our lives entailed, star deserved the freedoms that we were not permitted.

I need to ask just one thing of you, Your Majesty, if I may? What became of my dearest love, Lord Alexander of Crowton? I would have married him if Mother did not tell Father about my certain activities with Lord Alexander. Please tell him how to contact me if he so wishes.

I send you many well wishes and only the warmest of regards Sister.

High Captain Scott Denholm of the Herons
Formerly, HRH Crowned Prince Scott of Avias

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