Birthday Surprise

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Alex knocked on the door that led into the big Kestrel dungeon, he waited anxiously as the seconds passed.

It was his husband who answered the door, "Hello my gorgeous! Come in my love and let us pamper you!" Sausage then noticed the redness and puffiness of Alex's eyes, "Darlin'?" He ran a thumb underneath Alex's eye.

Alex leaned into the touch subconsciously, "Sorry, I had a big old conversation earlier about some important things but I promise that I'm alright," he half lied.

Sausage stared at him for a few moments but let it go, "Well then, let us make you feel better, are you sure you are up for it?"

Alex leaned in for a gentle kiss, smiling against his husband's lips, "I promise you that I am alright and I am also very worked up from your little stunt earlier. The only thing I ask is that you don't comment on any new scars, we can have that conversation later but I am not in the mood to have that chat today."

Sausage returned the kiss and then pulled back, "Then we will have that conversation at a later time and date. Now go lay down on the bed like a good boy and we'll get started."

Alex giggled a little, moving into the room to sit on the four poster bed, blushing as he caught Ausbie glancing him up and down, holding a bundle of rope but something in his head made him speak up, "Before we start, can I put a temporary boundry in place? No rope today, sorry, sensory stuff."

Ausbie threw the rope off into a corner, "Consider it done, so good you are. Such a good boy voicing your wants."

Alex's blush deepened as he looked down but he felt a hand catch his chin and force him to look up, his husband's hand.

"Eyes on me baby, you are going to lie down like such a pretty boy and I am going to let the others take turns making you feel so good and then I'll have my way with you. Colour?" Sausage pushed Alex down so he was laying on his back.

"Green!" Alex kicked his legs in excitement, laying back obediently.

Scar gave Alex a few quick kisses, "Alright Dear, happy birthday, I am not able to join you tonight. Have a good night my darling," he spoke between gentle kisses.

Alex returned the kisses gently, "Thank you Scar! Have a great night!" Alex waved as he watched Scar exit before Oli walked up and kissed him.

Oli made himself comfortable on Alex's thigh, kissing him as he rutted desperately, "Happy birthday~" he whimpered.

Alex had guessed that Oli wouldn't be in a dominating mood, but he was very aware that Oli would be the only submissive one he dealt with tonight, "Why thank you my dear. Aren't you so good, giving yourself to me as a present? Do you want to take your pants off? You'd feel so much better."

Oli whined, fumbling with his belt as he bounced, out of the corner of his eye he saw Finnegan pinning Ausbie against a wall and Martyn being kissed by Sausage.

Alex grabbed Oli by the face, "I do not remember giving you permission to look at them. Look at me," he watched Oli go up and down and up and down until he was panting and releasing.

Oli gasped with a high pitched moan, but he quickly got up and swapped places with Finnegan and Ausbie, panting as Martyn's attention turned to him.

Finnegan slotted one knee firmly between Alex's leg, "You won't get to cum with me or Ausbie, instead I'm going to turn your ass a gorgeous shade of black and blue and Ausbie is going to control the pretty little toy he's going to slide into your pretty little ass."

Alex was pulled up and he blushed as Ausbie pulled off his pants and underwear, patting his ass gently, "Present yourself for me."

Alex rolled over, burying his head in the pillow as he pushed himself up into the air.

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