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His grandparents had left, as had his friends and he had been left alone again.

The loud thoughts in his head had returned for a few moments before a set of hands rested on his waist.

"Hello there gorgeous," Sausage muttered, nipping on Scott's ear.

"Oh, hi love!" Scott spun around and kissed him gently, leaning into his touch.

Sausage backed Scott up against the closest wall and used it to support both of their weights, "I have a present for you."

"Sausage! You didn't have too!" Scott pulled back, smirking at the sight of the hickeys that lined his boyfriend's neck.

"I know baby boy, but when I found it, I couldn't resist," Sausage reached into his pocket.

"You are unbelievable," the Denholm boy chuckled as he was spun around and told to close his eyes.

"I am proud of everything you have done and I know you will do so many more incredible things," Sausage unclasped the locket.

Scott blushed hard, he hung his head in embarrassment but it was pulled back up gently by his chin.

"The day you ran away, you sold a locket, this locket, and I found it. I thought you'd like it back," the Kestrel captain moved to clasp the locket around Scott's neck.

"This was my grandmother's, I had to sell it to afford to run!" Scott was in shock.

Sausage hummed gently, focusing on getting the clip to latch together.

Once the clasp was done up, Scott gasped and gently grasped his neck to find the piece of jewellery, his head fell backwards.

Sausage went to catch him but before he'd gotten there, Scott's head snapped back up and his eyes started to glow.

Sausage fell to one knee, bowing his head quickly, "Scott, my love, my dear," he knew about Scott's heritage as Amber had spoken to him about the Denholm family tree when he'd asked out of genuine curiosity.

Scott shook his head hard and blinked a few times to clear his eyes, he fell into Sausage's arms with a tired feeling in his head.

Sausage held Scott close, he'd noticed the new bandages on his boyfriend's arms but he knew that it had to be a conversation for later.

Scott's eyes closed as he blacked out, his head rested on Sausage's shoulder.

"Rest dear, I'll be here when you wake up, I'll protect you and hold you forever and always baby boy."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now