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Was he aware that this was a stupid idea that could very possibly get him killed? Yes.
Did he care? Not one bit.

Hermes hadn't shown Scott or Alex the letter yet as they were in meetings with Queen Nora about sending reinforcements to the Isle.

He knew he had one opportunity and that opportunity was now.

He pulled the cloak around him, one he'd stolen from Acho's rooms but no one needed to know that.

It was the same cloak Acho had worn when star had fled Avias but there was no way Hermes knew that.

With one last satisfied survey of the room, he grabbed his satchel, set his Papa's note and his own one on the table and scaled down the side of the palace with surprising ease.

Hermes ducked around the guards path, one he'd memorised down to the exact second so that he'd make it without being caught.

He made it to the dock and reached into the pocket in his shirt, pulling out his Dad's coin, "In the name of Joel of Stratos, I need to commandeer your ship," he flashed the coin to the closest sailor, making sure to make obvious it had been one reserved for those close to the God.

Looking older than he was and having one of Joel's personally minted coins truly worked in Hermes's favour when the sailor invited him to board his boat.

"The Faction Isles, if you please," Hermes nodded to the captain, flicking his coin up and catching it in the air a few times, "Hey Dad, if you can hear me, please make sure Papa is alright."

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