My Family

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Scott sat on the picnic blanket with a soft smile gracing his lips, he was surrounded by his family and he couldn't have been happier to be there with them.

Amber was sat on his left, resting her head gently on his shoulder as she rested. She had been under a lot of stress lately from her council for a number of reasons and she needed time to just be Amber, not Queen of Avias and Crowned Princess of Vexley, just Amber.

Jacob has his nose in has sketchbook, drawing the landscape of the Isle. The prince had always been interested in art as he was raised by his Aunt who had opened her own art school in celebration of her sixteenth birthday years prior to Jacob's birth.

Owen was sat down with Cate, Willow and Alexandrina, telling them stories about her adventures while the girls babbled excitedly. Owen smiled just a little at the three, blinking back the tears in her eyes as quickly as they arrived.

Dandi and Mabel were bounding between people with great excitement, stopping only for head pats and belly rubs.

On the other hand, Dipper and Isla were laying out in the sun, soaking in the beaming rays near their owner.

Acho was hugging Scott II, stroking his nephew's head as the young boy slept. Acho was muttering sweet nothings and promises to protect the children with star's life.

Flam looked over at Alex, "How are you finding the Isle?"

Alex smiled up from his flower crown making, "I've never been happier."

Hermes and Sausage were talking together, smiling and chuckling to each other throughout their conversation.

Lastly, there was Joel and Lizzie who were sat near to the picnic blanket on small blankets, happy to be included within the family bond.

So yeah, Scott couldn't have been happier after the hell his family had been put through recently, he was grateful for the peace and serenity the day had brought.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now