Acho's Letter

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I miss you.

There is no other way to say it but I miss you so much. Don't get me wrong, I love Scott dearly but I miss you.

I can't believe how long it's been, it seems like it was only yesterday you, Scott and I were listening to Mother and Father talking about the line of succession the day Scott had turned sixteen.

I remember it perfectly, "Scott will be King, Acho comes next and Amber is last if, Crow Father forbid, Scott and Acho fail or produce no heirs." That's what Mother said and I remember being so angry at her. I was angry that she could speak so lowly of you, you were my big sister and my big sister could do no wrong.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I miss you a lot, and I'm so proud of you. Six years gone and look at where we were versus what we became.

Scott was Crowned Prince, engaged to Princess Adelaide of Cralton and future King, he had absolutely everything but he wasn't happy. I know you two hid it from me but I saw how unhappy you guys were. But look at him now, High Captain and happier than I've ever seen him. He got his kingdom, it just so happened to be in the shape of a pirate ship.

You were last in line to Avias, no marriage lined up and told that you were not to dare try to outshine us. Last I counted, you've been married for four years and have three kids. You are the most important person in the kingdom and you are happy too.

I was the youngest, raised to be the perfect spare, to be ready in case Scott messed up. I wasn't happy either, I had to be Prince Charming 2, not myself. Now, I don't regret running in the slightest but I do miss the comfort of being a prince, the security it provides. But even if I miss how life was before, I am happier with the rest of the Herons than I was in Avias.

I miss you Amber. I wish you the best of luck and fortune by the Sea Goddess Herself.

I bid Your Majesty adieu and hope to see you soon.

Love forever and always.

Your ever loving brother,
SRH, Prince Acho
Member of the Herons

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