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The atlas has long since been abandoned on the other side of the ship, as had Acho's coat and Owen's shirt.

The atlas had been left open, and the clothes had been haphazardly tossed in a similar direction not long after the book.

The duo sprawled out across the deck of Owen's boat in the sun, cuddled up against each other with their legs intertwined to enjoy the story that Owen was reading aloud.

"'And so the two found the peace and serenity on the heavenly plains that their lives had lacked upon their respective land homes'," Owen set the book down beside her, pulling Acho in closer.

"Grandma and Grandpa's story has always been my favourite; a peasant boy and a noble girl, both champions of their respective godly predecessors, souls interlocked by fate. It makes me wonder if soulmates are truly real," Acho sighed, resting star's head on Owen's chest with a content smile.

Owen hummed gently, "I believe in soulmates and soul families, I have every reason to after all. Maybe not in the way that there is one person destined for everyone, but in the way that souls need each other to function. Your brother has Sausage and Alex as soulmates, I have you and Gabe, the Herons are my soul family, you know what I mean?"

"You believe that we have a soul bond? You really believe that Owen?" Acho's face lit up slightly, the love in star's eyes warmed Owen's heart.

"I do, do you?" Owen asked nervously.

"Yes Ma'am, I do," Acho teased, tracing faint outlines of heart-like shapes on Owen's chest.

"You cheeky little thing, you are lucky I love you," a gentle kiss was passed from the Heron to the Nightingale.

"I love you too," Acho replied through the kiss, accepting the affection with great enthusiasm, returning the love.

"Now I know that we were meant to sail around today but what says you about the idea of maybe heading on back to my place?" Owen's smirk caused Acho to blush hard at the idea.

"I like that idea oh so very much," Acho pulled starself up, helping Owen sit up.

"Thank you dear."

Acho let out a small hum as they grabbed the clothes and the atlas before making themself comfortable on Owen's lap at the wheel of the ship.

"I find it adorable that you sit on my lap whenever we sail, it means I have all the advantage to tease you all the way back to the Isle," Owen set one hand on the wheel and another hand on Acho's thigh.

Acho whined and burried star's head into Owen's shoulder, squirming at the feeling of the hand occasionally moving up higher and higher throughout the boat journey home.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now