Brother's Conversation

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"I'm sorry..." Acho burried star's head gently into the crook of star's brother's neck.

"Acho, you do not ever apologise for being yourself, I am proud of you," Scott played with Acho's hair, rocking the two of them back and forth on their feet gently.

Will had slipped back into the room and set Acho's clothes on the cabinet beside the door, smiling gently as he left the brothers to bond and heal.

"What would Mother and Father think of us now? This is literally the furthest thing they raised us for," Acho chuckled through star's tears, tightening star's grip on Scott.

"Scott, stop kissing boys! Acho, start kissing girls! Boys, stand up straight!" Scott mocked, mimicking what they'd heard more often than not the year before they ran, when Scott said he was gay and Acho still hadn't had a girlfriend yet.

"Boys, take this seriously! Acho, do not bite that child! Scott, do not praise your brother for biting that child!" Acho joined in, pulling back from the hug to begin changing.

The brothers let their hands stay joined between each other for a few moments before finally seperating and starting to change.

Owen entered the room a few minutes later to get her hair done by Scott, who was almost completely finished with getting changed.

"I really hope this works. I don't know how I'll live with myself if this fails and we all end up in jail for treason," Scott admitted with a lump in his throat, clasping his belt together.

Owen made a small hum of agreement from her place sat on Scott's chair, shuddering at the thought of going back into a cell.

"I'm more scared of what those guards would do to you, and Kuervo too, but more you," Acho looked up, tucking in his undershirt into star's dress pants.

"What do you mean?" Scott's hands stopped brushing Owen's hair, he moved to lean against the front of his desk to give Acho his full attention.

"Well Kuervo is an internationally renowned and highly wanted criminal-" Acho started.

"I know that, I'm more asking why you'd be worried about me? My rap sheet isn't really that bad."

"Maybe not as a pirate but we are in Avias now and those guards were loyal to Father and only Father. He wanted you back and your bounty was 50,000 crowns for you dead and 100,000 crowns for you alive. As hard as Amber has tried, it's hard to remove a bounty when you were found guilty, until your verdict is changed in a court of law by the council, they will use that to their advantage. I don't want to see my brother dead," Acho didn't look at Scott and instead finished buttoning up star's shirt.

"They will not kill me, not in front of Amber. They may have been loyal to Father but they are not stupid enough to kill the Queen's brother in front of her and her husband. Pirates honour I'll make it out of this alive," Scott held out his pinky for Acho to take.

"Are pirates really that honourable?" Acho chuckled, wrapping his pinky around his brother's outstretched one like they used to when they were younger.

"Alright then, prince's honour, I will live, I will survive and I will walk out of that ballroom with you today," Scott promised, pulling away to finish up on Owen's hair as everyone else started to return to the cabin.

"Scott, do I have to address you as 'Your Royal Highness' now? Quite an upgrade from what I normally call you," Sausage teased as he and Kyle walked in two minutes after Will and Kuervo, both preened and proper.

Scott turned a bright shade of red, covering his mouth, "I- Sausage!"

"I would very much not like to hear about what you and my big brother get up to in your free time thank you very much," Acho covered star's ears and spun around.

"If you call me that anywhere outside of where our other nicknames are limited too, I will kill you," Scott hissed playfully in the other captain's ear.

"My sincerest apologies, Your Royal Highnesses," Sausage teased as Acho slowly removed star's hands and turned back to face the group.

"Oh, and Acho, your missing something," Scott held up the crown and set it on his brother's head gently.

Acho immediately stiffened up like a switch had been flipped, years worth of etiquette training hitting star like a ton of bricks, "Yours too, Brother."

Scott bowed his head as the light in his eyes disappeared the second the crown had hit his head, "We have one shot," his voice was oddly monotone and the Scottish accent he had inherited from his mother had been forced out completely.

"Scott, you take my arm, Acho walk in the middle of us so no one recognises you before it's time, we need to get going," Owen reached out her hand before pausing, "Hang on," he pulled her gloves up and held her hand out again.

Scott grabbed the last crown and set it on her head, "My Lady," he let out a small smile before settling back into his rigorous princely persona.

The group of seven managed to sneak off the ship and up to the palace gates without being noticed, Kyle had used his influence to get them inside, it was go time.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now