Nightingale's Brunch

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"You are one hundred percent sure you are alright with Amber and her kids joining us for the picnic?" Acho asked again as star helped lay the picnic blanket with the rest of the Nightingales.

"If you ask that one more time I will make you walk the plank," Apo teased, "We want to meet them properly Acho, they are your family."

"Besides, it's nice to see children who won't run in fear at the sight of a pirate," Graecie chimed in, setting the basket down to unpack.

"That is fair and valid," Amber chimed in from behind the group, causing all but Acho and Will to jump in surprise.

"Amber!" Acho pulled Amber into him, smiling at the young children, "Hello babies."

"Your Maj-" Will started, bowing his head in respect.

"Nope. Just Amber, plain old Amber Denholm," Amber cut them off, moving to help set up while Acho took up baby duty.

"Well then Amber, these are the rest of the Nightingales, Apo, Graecie, Ros and Michela," Will sat down on a pillow, gesturing for everyone else to do the same and tuck in.

"Acho, have you heard from Scott today? Any idea what he's doing?" Amber sat her youngest child comfortably on her lap as the baby slept peacefully.

"Probably Sausage and Alex based on what I heard last night and this morning," Acho rolled star's eyes teasingly.

"Oh- well then in that case maybe I shouldn't invite him riding later on with the rest of his crew. I'm trying to spend time with all the factions over the next few days to get to know them," the queen chuckled, eating a singular grape.

"Please for the love of gods invite him, he needs some self control and I would like to rest this afternoon without listening to my older brother beg and whine, at this point I'm just going to move into Will's room," Acho took a bite of an apple, watching Scott II and Alexandrina play party cake with each other close by.

"Amber? Would you be offended if we all stayed in the same room? We don't normally sleep alone on the ship, it's a Nightingale tradition to sleep in a room with another member of the crew," Ros asked the queen, looking at her politely.

"If it makes you all feel more at home then do whatever you need. Besides, Scott, Acho and I used to share Scott's bed most nights when we were younger so I get what you mean," Amber smiled to the group.

"Uncle Acho! I love you!" Scott II babbled from his spot on the floor, flashing a toothy grin towards the older prince.

"Awwwwwe, such a sweet boy," Michela cooed, nudging Graecie as Acho's heart melted.

"I love you too Sweetheart, and your sisters too," Acho ruffled the prince's hair softly.

The adorable silence hung in the air for a few moments before Amber broke it.

"So, someone needs to tell me what teenage Acho was like because I never got to see star," the middle Denholm sibling relaxed, giggling.

Acho buried his head into his hands, "Oh gods!"

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