My Prince

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Scott had been sat in his bathtub for forty five minutes before he decided that he didn't want to be late for his dinner with his boyfriends.

With a hiss, Scott pulled himself up and grabbed at the towel beside the bath, wrapping it around his body to dry off.

The dull pain in his legs was growing unbearable as he pulled his bathrobe around him so he gave up, he limped back to his bed and curled up there, he asked one of the maids to bring him his pale blue sundress and black flats as he applied some soothing cream.

"Would you like a physician Sire?" A second maid asked from her place by the fire, turning to face the prince.

"No thank you, and also, Scott is fine, I stopped being Sire years ago," he smiled, the cream alleviating some of the pain from his legs.

It took a few extra minutes for the redhead to pull his clothes together and make his way towards the private parlour adjacent to Alexander's room.

"Hello baby," Alex embraced Scott, placing a gentle kiss against his cheek, "Come on," he pulled Scott into his room.

On the bed sat, or more so laid, Sausage, looking very blissed, "Hello pretty one, come 'ere," he pat the spot next to him.

Scott fell into the bed and nuzzled up against his boyfriend with a whine, their limbs becoming entangled with each other.

"There you go Bubba," Sausage ran his hand through Scott's hair, intertwining his free hand with Scott's.

Alex left the room to go grab their dinner, "Be nice Sausage, or I'll have to re-teach you that lesson," he said as he closed the door.

Sausage shifted slightly at the thought, hissing as he moved too quickly against the bed.

"Let me guess, you got the wooden and leather paddles? Twenty-five of each?" Scott knew that particular punishment well enough.

"I did, but I also learnt something about your favourite toys dearest, a spreader bar, a vibrator and a horse crop was it?" Sausage teased, wrapping Scott in his arms.

"Gods I've missed those, don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore your flogger to death but that combination is just," Scott made a positive noise at the thought, though he was too comfortable to get a good picture in his mind.

"Here we go, three bowls of chicken soup and some buttered bread," Alex walked in, setting the food on his bedside table as he climbed into bed, "Did Sausage behave himself Darling?"

"Yes Lex, he was so good," Scott mumbled, burying his head into Alex's chest.

"How are you? You seem quite tired dear," Alex placed a loving hand on Scott's cheek, nuzzling against him.

"Just drained, I have a Heron date later and I'm emotionally drained for now," Scott's eyes closed at the warmth and safety the comfort provided.

"That is fair, let's eat and then you can rest before your date," Alex sat the other two up gently.

"Mhm," Scott hummed, holding his soup bowl gently.

(Also, here's an AI generated face claim for Alexander btw):

(Also, here's an AI generated face claim for Alexander btw):

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Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now