Chapter 3 - 4

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Chapter 3 Am I a scumbag?

"Well, it hurts..." Su Ziyi felt a sharp pain in his head while he was still conscious, which made him faint again before he could fully wake up.

And this also made him completely unaware that his voice startled the people next to him.

"Oh my God! Wasn't this guy not breathing just now? Why is he alive again? He's a corpse?!" After seeing the person on the ground becoming motionless again, he put his finger under the tip of the person's nose to make sure that the person was still breathing. A thin young man with a round face shouted. He looked at another young man with a gloomy face next to him, and he was a little confused: "What should we do now? Brother Bian Qing." Bian clenched his fist and bit his lower lip. Bian Qing was also very panicked at this time.

In the past, Su Ziyi was not involved in childbirth, so he just beat and scolded him and his son Su Yulang. But he didn't expect that when he came back from the fields today, he saw Su Ziyi hitting his son on the head with a stick as thick as his wrist! Although his cultivation level was low, he could clearly see that Su Ziyi's spiritual power was mixed with the firewood stick. With this blow, Su Yulang would be disabled even if he didn't die!

In desperation, Bian Qing raised the tool he was using to pick up grass and smashed it at it. Unexpectedly, not only did he knock the stick out of Su Ziyi's hand, but he also slapped him in the face! You know, although he is not as good as Su Ziyi, he is still at the third level of qi training. He exerted so much effort that he completely knocked out Su Ziyi.

And when Su Ziyi fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time. Bian Qing's mood began to calm down. He looked at his little Shuang'er who was still sitting on the ground crying. He took a few deep breaths and moved closer. Then before he walked a few steps, he saw a pool of blood coming from the back of Su Ziyi's head. It flowed out!

This completely made Bian Qing realize that something was wrong. He rushed forward with a strong step, knelt on one leg next to Su Ziyi's body, stretched out his fingers to tentatively feel the other person's breath, but found that there was no fluctuation. It seemed that the other party had already die! Bian Qing's face turned pale with fright, and he fell to the ground. Then after hearing the child's cry, he suddenly got up and rushed out with the child in his arms!

Go, go farther, don't let anyone catch you!

But without thinking, he just rushed out less than a hundred feet away. Yang Xu, who was looking for his friend today with a basket of vegetables, walked out of the intersection and waved his arms to the hurried people to say hello excitedly: "Brother Bian Qing!"

This call interrupted all Bian Qing's rationality. He stood there in shock, holding the still crying child, until Yang Xu, who realized something was wrong, stepped forward.

Later, with Yang Xu's comfort, Bian Qing calmed down little by little. He looked at the best friend he had made when he came to Luoshan Village, and pulled the other person back to the yard with some complexity, and told him everything.

And after Yang Xu cursed Su Ziyi bitterly, he was also in trouble. Although Su Ziyi was not welcomed at all in Luoshan Village and could be said to be unlovable, this was still a human life. Once he was discovered and brought to the government, Bian Qing could not shirk his responsibility no matter how good his excuses were. of.

He didn't want his friend to pay with his life for this scumbag at all.

Finally, Bian Qing calmed down and thought of a way. Because Su Ziyi usually keeps his identity to himself and rarely appears in the village. Sometimes the villagers don't see him for several months. Therefore, as long as the body is disposed of, I believe few villagers will ask about it. And once someone asks, If you get up, just say that he is out. After all, this is quite consistent with Su Ziyi's external image.

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