Chapter 82 - 83

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Chapter 82 Strange White Light

That seems to be a person!

Although it was just a blurry shadow, Su Ziyi immediately turned around and looked in the direction of the vague figure with so much force that the corners of his eyes were beating unbearably.

Tonight, although the moonlight is bright, all that remains in human eyes are the outlines of mountains and rivers, and the majestic mountain walls during the day are now replaced by a blurry black line. Because of this, the figure appearing on the top of the mountain wall seemed particularly abrupt, especially when Su Ziyi took a first look, it seemed that he could only see a hazy mass, and he seemed to be able to see the auspicious cloud pattern on the other person's robe. It is difficult to distinguish between reality and reality.

What surprised Su Ziyi even more was that on this windless night, the other party's clothes were fluttering, his long hair was dancing, and he looked even more ghostly.


Su Ziyi swallowed uncontrollably, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his eyes were red and bloodshot. Although the other party was still far away from him, not to mention his appearance, and even the color of his robes could not be clearly seen, Su Ziyi still felt a silent pressure. This pressure was not deliberately emitted by the other party, but He has it himself, and as long as he stands there, it will unfold unconsciously.

But Su Ziyi could feel that there was no malice in this pressure, unlike the green-gold wolf beast that day, whose pressure contained unbridled aggression, forcing people to surrender. Although the coercion of the person in front of him makes people intimidated by the sight, he will not feel scared. At the same time, no matter how gentle the other person's attitude is, he will not be able to think of any offense in his heart.

What kind of existence is this?

Without any reason, Su Ziyi was sure that the corpse of the monster in the valley must be the work of the other party. So, what kind of strength does the other party who did such a thing have? Thinking of the green-gold wolf beast that didn't even struggle much, Su Ziyi couldn't help but boldly guess that it was in the late stage of foundation building? Or a real person in the Jindan stage?

No matter which one it is, it is an existence that Su Ziyi cannot reach at this time.

Unknowingly, Su Ziyi looked at the other person with a look that was full of longing in addition to awe, and the path to the future became clearer in his mind, and even began to form a model for him to compare and catch up with. He suppressed the discomfort caused by the pressure and moved forward, as if he wanted to see the man more clearly.

"Haha——" Suddenly, a laughter that was as erratic as a phantom voice came over. It was not a young voice. The strong sense of vicissitudes of life was the accumulation of many years of ups and downs of the voice owner, which made people dare not underestimate it. . It was this voice that made Su Ziyi's originally excited mind immediately calm down as if it had been poured through a basin of cold water.

But this calmness did not last for a few seconds. A strong wind blew by, making the grass in the valley grassland rustle. It also blew up the dust on the loess slopes, which fascinated Su Ziyi's eyes and made him I had to close my eyes and cover my eyes with my arms. After the gust of wind passed, he opened his eyes again and looked towards the mountain wall, only to find that

there was no one there.

Where are people? !

Su Ziyi looked around like a fool, but found no trace of anyone. And in addition, the gust of wind just now seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, without a trace, leaving no shadow. The grass in the valley was all upright, and the tips of the grass blades were not shaking. The pale moon in the sky and the countless skeletons lying in the valley looked very scary.

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