Chapter 74 - 75

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Chapter 74 Someone is missing

For Bian Qing, Su Ziyi's affirmation was very important.

Seeing Bian Qing's face turning pale, Su Ziyi hurriedly stepped forward to support him, took out a Qi Yi Dan from his arms and stuffed it directly into his mouth: "You need to meditate to recover first." His intimate gesture Bian Qing's cheeks felt hot, and he didn't dare to think too much, so he hurriedly sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes to meditate.

Su Ziyi, who looked away from Bian Qing's bloody and stained hands, searched for a long time but couldn't find the handkerchief.

Forget it, I guess I left it at home.

After a few weeks, Bian Qing's complexion improved a lot, almost like a normal person. And he was also thinking that Su Ziyi had not done anything since he went into the mountain today, so he did not want to delay. After the spiritual energy in his body recovered to 60-70%, he ended the practice. He opened his eyes and looked at Su Ziyi who was digging with a medicinal hoe by the pool.

"No more rest?" Su Ziyi's consciousness was always outside, so he knew it as soon as Bian Qing opened his eyes. But Bian Qing didn't answer him. He just walked over on the fallen leaves, got closer and said, "What are you digging for?" "Yunmingcao." Speaking of this, the smile on Su Ziyi's face became a little thicker: "Before, I haven't noticed that there is actually a spiritual grass hidden here. I just discovered it after walking

around casually." Bian Qing leaned over and saw that the Yun Ming grass was not as long as a finger and was buried in the weeds beside the pool. That's pretty inconspicuous. If it weren't for the faint ripples of clouds surrounding its leaves, he would have regarded the spiritual grass as a weed.

"Yunmingcao is the main ingredient in several yellow-grade second-grade elixirs. It is very helpful for cultivation." Su Ziyi knew that Bian Qing didn't know much about this area, so he took the initiative to explain, but the hoe in his hand had not been used. He stopped and carefully dug out the Yunming grass with its roots and soil: "This is still five years old. I will plant it when I go home. When it is older, the effect will be better." After that, he removed the Yunming grass. Mingcao was put into the bamboo basket.

"It's still early, why don't we look around for it?" Bian Qing was somewhat interested in Su Ziyi's talk and supported all Su Ziyi's actions, so he took the initiative to ask. But Su Ziyi shook his head and refused. He put the bamboo basket on his back and stood up: "Although it's not long after noon, we are too far into the mountain and it will take some time to get back. It's better to stop here.

" , he also added: "I don't know how Yulang is doing at home."

When he said this, Bian Qing also stopped looking for the spiritual grass, and he held the dead Wuyu in his hand , carrying the bamboo basket on his back, he followed Su Ziyi: "Just pick the herbs and spiritual herbs you encounter on the road." "Okay." This was what Su Ziyi meant, so Su Ziyi agreed without saying anything else. .

But it might also be because he spent too long digging herbs along the way. By the time they came down the mountain, the sun was already setting, and they hurried back home. Bian Qing was even more elated because he had hunted a monster for the first time today. He listed several Wuyu meat dishes in his heart and decided to celebrate it well.

And when they were only a field away from their home, they saw a man walking out of his yard, and behind him was Su Yulang, who was wearing a bun. The two of them looked intently, and Bian Qing couldn't help shouting: "A Lang! Yang Xu!" As soon as the two people standing at the door of the courtyard heard Bian Qing's voice, they quickly looked over, and then they saw Su Yulang's figure. It flew over happily like a little bird.

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