Chapter 109 - 110

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Chapter 109 Big Lie

"Gone..." Bian Qing turned around with a pair of dull eyes, looking like a pair of black bottomless pits.

"It's okay - let's go home first." Bian Qing's appearance frightened Su Ziyi, but the client was calmer. He slowly walked over and took Bian Qing's hand, and then he realized that the other person's hand was very cold. , he subconsciously held it with both hands and rubbed it, trying to make it warmer.

"Let's go home first..." Su Ziyi didn't know what to say, but he didn't want to stay here anymore.

In fact, is he really not angry about what Dr. Li did? No, he is actually very angry, just because he has always been emotionally reserved and very indifferent to outsiders. No matter how big something happens, he cannot continue to be angry, and it will soon be suppressed by his reason. .

The same thing happened this time.

Since they figured out Dr. Li's intentions, he became cold-hearted towards Dr. Li, even though Dr. Li was "a teacher of kindness" to him. He completely equated Doctor Li's scheme against him with Doctor Li's help as a transaction. He felt that he no longer owed Doctor Li anything, whether in favor or money, so he could still stand here relatively calmly and persuade him. Bian Qing.

"How could this happen? Where has he gone?" Bian Qing ignored Su Ziyi's words, his eyes once again swept across every inch of the room, and then he laughed sarcastically: "Everything has been taken away, even a pillow. No, hahahaha - it seems that he has already planned it, just waiting for us to jump in stupidly." He laughed so hard that tears came out, but the emotion in his eyes was terrifyingly cold.

"Why do you think there is such a person?" Bian Qing looked at Su Ziyi, his eyes seemed to have been washed by water, and he looked very sober: "What do you think he is after? After staying in Luoshan Village for so many years... could it be that To trick us?" An idea suddenly popped into his mind. He grabbed Su Ziyi's arm and said, "We are definitely not the first! He definitely did the same thing to other people!" "Yes

, It must be!" Letting go of Su Ziyi, Bian Qing walked around anxiously: "We just came to the village eleven years ago. At that time, our family had nothing worth worrying about, so he definitely didn't. He set his sights on us. It wasn't until you changed so much in the past two years that he set his sights on you." "Before that, he had stayed in Luoshan Village for such a long time, and he must have also had an interest in other people

. People have had the same idea. I just don’t know if he has found the person he is looking for. Maybe he has not found the person, but maybe he has found the person, but those people failed, so he turned his mind to ours. On my body."

"Absolutely." At this moment, Bian Qing felt regret again in his heart.

"Maybe it was a spur-of-the-moment idea." Seeing Bian Qing's somewhat crazy look, Su Ziyi couldn't help but feel confused. He grabbed Bian Qing, held his arms tightly, stared at Bian Qing, trying to calm him down: "But no matter what Dr. Li intended, things have happened now, let's regret it—— It's useless to speculate! All we can do is move forward and solve this problem!" "


Su Ziyi's words seemed to wake Bian Qing up, and he had a pair of misty eyes, a little lost. He lowered his head and murmured: "Then what should we do now? We don't know anything now... we have no idea what we are going to encounter..." Seeing Bian Qing's look made Su Ziyi feel uncomfortable. He had never seen it before Bian Qing looked like he had been drained of all his energy and energy.

What made Su Ziyi's heart itch and sting even more was that Bian Qing became like this because of himself.

It seems that every time Bian Qing loses control of his emotions, it's all for himself?

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