Chapter 84 - 85

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Chapter 84 Buying and selling elixirs

"What good things can you find this time?" After sending the person away, Doctor Li walked into the pharmacy.

"I did get some good things." Hearing the noise, Su Ziyi stopped arranging the herbs in his hands, but he didn't tell anyone about the snake saliva flower and Zhu Ming vine fruit he had obtained. He just pushed the herbs he brought in the direction of Dr. Li. He pushed: "Look at these." After saying that, he handed a small cloth bag to Doctor Li: "And this."

"What is it?" Doctor Li took the bag and looked at Su Ziyi with a mysterious look on his face. He kept it secret and muttered, but when he took out the contents of the bag, his eyes widened: "Where did you get such a big snake slough?"

He shed the snake slough. He took it out, put it in the sun and took a look at it. He said in surprise: "This is at least the skin of a third-level snake monster."

"Tsk, you are so lucky." He stuffed the snake slough back into the bag and handed it to him. Su Ziyi.

Su Ziyi waved his hand: "No, this is for you, I still have it there." He just cut off a piece of snake slough and gave it to Doctor Li, he still had a lot of it there. When he heard what he said, the smile on Dr. Li's face deepened. He no longer refused and took the things back: "Thank you very much."

He didn't ask whether Su Ziyi had met in the mountains this time. After he had sorted out the new herbs with Su Ziyi, he patiently answered Su Ziyi's questions and asked Su Ziyi to make two batches of elixirs at his place. After confirming that Su Ziyi had completely prepared the Rejuvenation Pill and Yiqi Pill After mastering it, he recommended a new prescription to him.

"Yangqi Powder, Huangjie's first-grade elixir, is an elixir for treating internal injuries. Any damaged internal organs can use this elixir to repair wounds and remove bleeding and congestion." Doctor Li had already prepared these elixirs long ago. He gave Su Ziyi a copy, so he didn't copy it out this time: "Although it is only a first-grade elixir, it is more difficult to refine and is close to a second-grade elixir." Upon hearing this, Su Ziyi first thought of this nourishing elixir in his heart.

He compared the effectiveness of the Qi-nourishing Powder with the Zhu Ming Vine Fruit he obtained, but after a comparison, he found that the effect of this Qi Nourishing Powder was far inferior to that of the Zhu Ming Vine Fruit.

However, the Zhu Ming Vine Fruit is rare, and the Qi Nourishing Powder can be obtained at any time as long as the materials are sufficient, which is also an advantage.

"The materials for refining Yangqi Powder are all ordinary, but the technique is more difficult." Doctor Li said, but did not give a demonstration to Su Ziyi: "I don't know how to refine this, but the experience of refining it should be in There is it in the note I gave you. You can go back and look at it and think about it yourself." After saying that, he hugged the snake and shed it.

After hearing what Dr. Li said, Su Ziyi understood.

At this stage, Dr. Li has basically taught him everything he can. Even the superficial medical skills he has learned roughly. If he wants to continue to learn other things, he can only rely on the books that Dr. Li gave him. After thinking about it for myself, Dr. Li can't help anyone else. Because the strength of the second level of Qi Refining is too restrictive for his refining of elixirs.

No matter what, Su Ziyi was still grateful to Dr. Li. He politely said goodbye to Dr. Li, and told him that he would send new herbs to him in a while before turning around and leaving.

But after hearing Su Ziyi's words, she just stood in the sunshine and watched him leave with a smile.

After returning home, Su Ziyi immediately found the notebook that Doctor Li mentioned. It was a book that looked quite old. It was written "The Notes of Zhan Qing". Su Ziyi guessed which elder of Dr. Li's family Zhan Qing should be. He opened the note, page by page. Read on.

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