Chapter 7 - 8

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Chapter 7 Exchange for Silver

There must be a lot of people in this world who cannot afford to eat meat. Su Ziyi thought.

At this time, the spiritual energy in his body had been almost exhausted. Coupled with the bleeding in his right arm, he felt very bad and even felt dizzy. He hurriedly sat down cross-legged and used his mental skills to replenish his spiritual energy. force.

Not to mention, this is really effective.

Although he did not recover immediately, as Su Ziyi continued to meditate, the blood on the wound on his right hand became less and less, and blood scabs even formed on the wound! This effect is better than any hemostatic drug Su Ziyi knows. And although he had his eyes closed, he could clearly feel that as the spiritual power entered his tendons, there was a warm energy slowly repairing his wounds.

This made him feel more confident, and he quickly calmed down and devoted himself to healing.

This meditation lasted for most of an hour, and by the time Su Ziyi's soul came out of the practice, it was already after noon. At this time, he felt that his condition was not bad and he was not dizzy. Although there was still a faint pain in his right arm, as long as he did not move that hand, the pain was still within the tolerable range.

He slowly raised and lowered his palms from his Dantian to his heart. He let out a long sigh of relief in his nose and followed the rhythm, ending the last small cycle of his mind, and then slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, the sunlight had become stronger and even penetrated the canopy of the tree, leaving patches of white spots on Su Ziyi's skin. This warm feeling was not annoying, even a little flattering. But Su Ziyi did not sink into it. He felt it carefully and found that he had recovered about five points of his strength, but he was very hungry.

And if you want to eat something, this chicken in front of you is the best choice. But Su Ziyi never thought of picking it up here, because he was worried that there would be a second one like this in the forest. If there was one, he would definitely be invincible given his current situation. So after feeling lucky that no other animals followed the smell of blood and took advantage of the situation, Su Ziyi got up to clean up and decided to go home early.

The loot was not too much, not too little. The four or five eggs in the nest were a bit big, and they were definitely not enough to hold in your hands. So Su Ziyi took off the damaged outer robe directly, revealing the inner garment, then put the egg in the robe, and tied two strong knots with the sleeves and corners of the robe opposite each other, so that his back was not injured. on the left shoulder.

As for the overly big chicken, Su Ziyi also thought of a way.

He directly chopped off a handful of Millaplasia vine with a hatchet, tied the chicken tightly, and then put the long end that was specially set aside from behind, around his left shoulder and down to his chest, and then placed it on the chest again. The waist was tied several times. In this way, the hatchet was inserted into the belt behind him, his left hand bent and clasped on the knot of the clothes on his shoulder and the chicken blood vine, his waist and left hand worked hard together, and they walked in the direction they came from.

Thanks to this body that has been trained to the fourth level, Su Ziyi can carry nearly a hundred kilograms of weight and move forward even when he is injured. Of course, it was also thanks to the fact that there were not many pebbles and twigs on the road in this mountain, and all the fallen leaves from the trees were replaced, which saved him a lot of effort to go back and drag the chicken out of the stuck place. .

In this way, Su Ziyi slowly dragged the chicken back to the village using the slope of the mountain.

When he returned home, it was not too late, and because of this, he did not meet anyone from the village on the road - everyone in this village seemed to have gone to the mines, which was a bit abnormal. But Su Ziyi, who was so hungry that his eyes were filled with stars, had no time to think about it. He almost dragged his last breath and crawled into his yard. Then, covered in blood, he scared Su Yulang, who was playing with stones in the yard, half to death.

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