Chapter 46 - 47

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Chapter 46 Completely paralyzed

"Su Ziyi?" Looking at Su Ziyi covered in blood, Bian Qing felt that his mouth was extremely dry.

Bian Qing, who was wondering if his voice was too quiet, so the other party ignored him, raised his voice twice: "Su Ziyi!" But there was still no response from the other party. This situation made Bian Qing feel a little panicked, and he rushed to squat in front of Su Ziyi. down.

This man's face was as white as paper.

Unlike Su Yulang, Bian Qing is an adult after all. He can see that Su Ziyi is meditating to heal himself, so it is best not to touch him at this time. And judging from the lack of response from the other party after calling a few times, Su Ziyi was probably seriously injured this time and had no time to care about anything else.

This gave Bian Qing a headache. He stood up, took a deep breath, and then jumped on the spot a few times, trying to calm down his mind.

Su Ziyi is a cultivator, so how should we deal with the affairs of cultivators?

Bian Qing's mind was all in confusion. He took a step closer to Su Ziyi, but then stepped back because he was worried about affecting Su Ziyi. He thought of Dr. Li, but Dr. Li was just an ordinary doctor. Could he cure practitioners? What about town? The situation in the town is probably similar. After all, there are very few practitioners in this area, so what should we do?

He came up with one method after another, but was rejected in an instant. This made Bian Qing feel depressed, even to the point where his heart and lungs felt a little burning. Then he belatedly remembered that Doctor Li could refine some crude elixirs, maybe Dr. Li really has a way! And just when he had made up his mind and was about to go find Dr. Li, Su Ziyi behind him finally reacted.

There was a "pop" sound, and a mouthful of red and black blood spurted out from Su Ziyi's mouth, spilling all over the floor, and then he fell down softly.

This sound completely frightened Bian Qing. When he looked back, he happened to see Su Ziyi falling to the ground. This frightened him so much that he rushed over and hugged the other person in his arms with both hands. Then he looked at Su Ziyi's face and felt that the other person's face was even worse, and his aura was even more like a gossamer. This made Bian Qing no longer dare to hesitate. He gritted his teeth, carried Su Ziyi behind his back and rushed down the mountain.

At this time, in the Su family, Su Yulang was staying alone on the corner of the bed, sobbing from time to time. He didn't look very energetic, and his body was even trembling. His mind was uncontrollably recalling the scene of Su Ziyi and Black Spider fighting, and his mood became even more depressed.

But at this moment, Bian Qing suddenly rushed in with a lot of movement on his back, carrying a man with large blood stains on his clothes. This interrupted Su Yulang's thinking. He blinked his sore eyes and looked over, mouthing unconscious words. Called: "Emma?"

But at this time Bian Qing no longer had the energy to respond to him.

After carrying Su Ziyi on his back, the sound of Su Ziyi's breathing sounded in his ears. He listened to the sound getting weaker and weaker, but he had no choice but to be anxious. He laid Su Ziyi down on the bed, hurriedly told Su Yulang, "Don't touch father," and immediately ran out the door.

Su Yulang, who had never spoken to his mother-in-law from the beginning to the end, felt even more uncomfortable. When his father saw that the situation was getting worse, tears fell uncontrollably again, but after a while, his father's tears fell uncontrollably. Yes, the tears stopped. Looking at Su Yulang again, his face was a little dazed, and he didn't look very awake at all. He was muttering: "I don't want to cry anymore. Father said he doesn't like me crying." He looked at him suddenly and remained motionless

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