Chapter 66 - 67

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Chapter 66 The Monster Reappears

Although it went well, Su Ziyi did not continue to extract the liquid from other medicinal materials, nor did he try to refine it into a pill.

Because he knew very well how many kilograms he had, and he was very sure that he would not be able to successfully refine the elixir in a short period of time, so instead of wasting time and materials, it was better to wait patiently for Doctor Li to come back before continuing.

Besides, he was still thinking about going into the mountains.

Different from early spring, the mountains in early summer are already full of green. The leaf buds that were still curled up at the beginning of spring have all opened up, densely covering the entire mountain forest into a sea of ​​green, and at the same time isolating the scorching sunlight, which makes people feel happy. Walking in the woods, you can feel a refreshing coolness.

Walking on the mountain road with ease, Su Ziyi used his stick to scratch on the ground from time to time, either to remove small branches blocking the road or to open the grass to see if there were any herbs that he wanted to use. After discovering the herbs he needed, he squatted down, took out a small hoe and carefully dug the other person out of the soil.

However, Su Ziyi did not take action on the herbs that were still too small, and even left a few mature herbs in order to allow them to continue to reproduce smoothly.

Because of this, in order to collect enough herbs, Su Ziyi had to continue walking into the mountains. By the time he sat down to rest and eat at noon, he had even crossed the boundary where he last explored the monsters. But he was not panicked at all. He sat on the big rock, gnawing dry food and looking into the distance along the gaps between the branches.

This mountainous area is really endless.

Looking far into the distance, there are still mountains behind the mountains, leaving only green as far as the eye can see. Su Ziyi once asked Dr. Li, but Dr. Li couldn't tell how extensive the mountain next to Luoshan Village was. He just said that this mountain has an end, and there is a relatively prosperous town at the end. Therefore, although this mountain area is dangerous, it is not terrifying.

Moreover, under the current conditions of lack of cultivation resources, such a large mountain forest is surprisingly quiet, which shows that the aristocratic families on Qingze Continent do not think that there will be anything good here. In other words, a few years ago, before they knew it, those aristocratic families had already sent people to clearly explore the situation in this mountain forest, and concluded that there was no need to develop it.

But no matter what it is, for Su Ziyi at this stage, this mountain forest is the most precious asset.

After waiting for lunch and resting for a while, Su Ziyi put the basket on his back and walked forward.

I don't know if it was because he had never been here before, but the further he walked, the more medicinal materials he found, and he even found a few five-year-old medicinal materials. This made him overjoyed and hurriedly picked them. Come down. But this was just the beginning. As he walked further into the forest, he found more and more good things waiting for him, which made him so happy that he hurriedly dug them out. At the end of the digging, there was no room for them in the bamboo basket, so he took off his coat and wrapped them up.

Slowly, he walked deeper and deeper into the forest, and the surroundings became quieter and quieter. The sun that was originally hanging in the sky also set towards the west little by little. By the time he realized something was wrong, there was dead silence all around.

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