Chapter 98 - 99

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Chapter 98 Nanke wakes up from the dream

"Wait a minute! Third senior brother."

Just as Ziyi hugged his master and was about to turn around and leave, Zixi stopped him. And he didn't get impatient with the other person because he was young and noisy. Instead, he waited patiently and looked at him: "What's the matter? Zixi."

The other person scratched his head, smiled silly, and left

. Come over.

"This is for you, Third Senior Brother." Like his eclectic style, the shape and color of his storage props are also very weird, like a big black cat that is always lying down, with a bunch of strings hanging from it. Crystals and small stones of various colors make a "clang" sound when touched. He stretched out his hand and pulled it inside, then took out a formation plate.

"This is my latest refinement." Speaking of this, a shy blush appeared on his face, and his eyes were a little wandering: "Although it is far worse than what you refined, senior brother, it is still the best. One of them, so senior brother, you can just use it." Ziyi lowered his head and looked at it. From the runes on it, it can be deduced that this formation disk has a very strong defensive function, and when faced with attacks from foreign enemies, it can also There is a certain chance that the damage can be rebounded.

Immediately, his face softened a lot: "You did a good job, Zixi." "

You are very talented, don't belittle yourself." He said this very seriously, but it made Zixi even more embarrassed, directly He stuffed the formation plate into Ziyi's arms and ran away: "Brother, go and do your work first. I'm also going to take care of the monsters. Otherwise, I'll be taken care of by those animals later." As he ran

, He was still muttering in his heart: "Compared to others, I am indeed much better, but compared with Third Senior Brother, I am far behind." However, Third Senior Brother's attainments in this area are no longer considered human.

Of course Ziyi didn't know what he was saying in his heart, but it didn't affect Ziyi's impression of him that was much better.

It's just that the master's injury was too serious, and he didn't have time to delay here, so he immediately picked up the array plate that Zixi gave him, hugged the master and headed to the island. He didn't stop until he reached a piece of dry flat land.

He found a dead tree with only half of it left, and put the master down. This action also woke up the master who was already half unconscious. He opened a pair of blurry eyes and couldn't see clearly, but the next second, a forceful surge of blood woke him up: "Pfft!" A big mouthful of blood went down, and his face instantly turned pale as snow

. .

"Master!" Zi Yi, who had just buried and activated the array disk given by his fourth junior brother, was shocked when he heard the sound. He immediately rushed to the master's side, clasped one hand directly on the Ming Gate, and input the slightest bit of spiritual energy. , trying to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

But, it doesn't seem to be of any use.

"Cough cough - puff - cough - puff -" As if he couldn't stop for a while, the master coughed, and blood rushed down his throat to his mouth, and then seeped out through the corners of his mouth. In the process, he sprayed out a mouthful of bloody foam. Fortunately, the blood vomited out in these few mouths was not as much as before, otherwise Ziyi would really doubt whether his master would die on the spot.

"Damn it!" In terms of magic, Ziyi was most proficient in formations, not alchemy. Therefore, although he could detect that there was an unfamiliar cold aura lingering in the opponent's veins, he was still unable to find a suitable method to completely remove it. He kept taking stock of the pills he had in his mind, but found that none of them could solve the urgent need at the moment.

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