Chapter 221 - 222

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Chapter 221 The incident of the fallen immortal

"Yang Xu? Why are you here? When did you come to Qixia Town?" The joy of meeting old friends made Bian Qing instantly sweep away the boredom in his heart, and walked over with a smile on his face.

"I just arrived a few days ago." Yang Xu was also very happy. He thought about finding Bian Qing when he settled down completely, but he didn't expect that he just happened to meet someone when he went out today. It was such a coincidence. Got it! Excited, he grabbed Bian Qing's hand and looked at the other person carefully. After finding that the other person looked good, the smile on his face deepened.

"It's all my fault. If I had given you my current address before, we would have met a long time ago." When Yang Xu looked at Bian Qing, Bian Qing also looked at him calmly, and then looked at him from the new clothes on his body. Judging from the rosy face, Yang Xu's life should be relatively moist.

At this time, Su Yulang, who was following Bian Qing, also came over and called out obediently: "Uncle Yang Xu." The soft and waxy call immediately made Yang Xu's heart soften, and he hurriedly bent down

. , holding Su Yulang's little face with both hands, and kissed it lovingly: "We Yulang have grown so big, and we are getting more and more beautiful." After saying this, Su Yulang's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, but he was too embarrassed to break away, so he could only hang his head. He shyly looked away, causing Yang Xu and Bian Qing to burst into laughter again.

"Why are you alone? Where is the child? Where is Li Yu?"

After a while of playing, the sense of alienation between the two due to more than a year of separation completely disappeared, and they began to talk familiarly. . Yang Xu and Li Yu have a very good relationship, so when Bian Qing asked about this, the smile on his face deepened: "I found a mother-in-law to help me at home, so I didn't take the children out with me. After all, he still It's too small."

"That's right. People outside are so talkative that it's not good if you bump into each other. It's better to keep it at home." Bian Qing said with a smile.

Standing in the middle of the road was too much in the way of other people, so the three of them simply found a tea stall and sat down, talking very intimately about their experiences over the past year. It was only after listening to Yang Xu's story that Bian Qing realized that their family had completely fallen out with the old woman from the Li family. "Anyway, over the years, we have given Xiao Jing a lot of money. Since my mother-in-law likes the second wife, they can live with the second wife." When he said this, Yang Xu rolled his eyes.

Bian Qing was also quite unhappy with the old woman of the Li family and the second wife of the Li family. What makes him feel amazing is that the second son of the Li family, who was almost killed by the Xiang family, still has the idea to instigate his old mother to make trouble with other brothers. Is this true that he is confident or has no brains?

"But thank you for being separated from them." When talking about this again, Yang Xu looked happy: "Brother Li Yu returned all the things that were separated from the family to his mother-in-law, and said that he would never owe them anything again, so He took my children and I to the town to make a living. Because Brother Li Yu is willing to work and does well, he is also very honest, and he is very popular with the management, so this time he came to Qixia Town to open a semicolon, and asked Brother Li to follow him. "."

"If we had been fighting with them over that little thing, we would still be digging in the soil now, how could we have the life we ​​have now?" Yang Xu shook his head and said, it could be seen that he was dissatisfied with his current life. Really satisfied. After sighing about his experience, he said to Bian Qing with great interest: "What about you? Brother Bian Qing." "I am much busier than before." When he was in Luoshan Village, in order to reduce

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